Have you tried spreading something smooth on toast for him? To get him used to textures? You can try this with crackers too. Avocado is smooth and can eventually be cut into bites as well. You can mash banana and eventually mash less or cut into bites. Crunchy snacks like Gerber Puffs too. Just mainly to get him used to liking textures.
He has always hated the textures. He won’t eat anything thicker it seems. I have tried rice, pasta, etc. I feel like it’s been worse recently though. He shakes his head no to foods he doesn’t want (which seems like everything) and he is definitely starting the tantrums a little bit lol. I don’t know how to proceed with meals any more. Do I continue the purées or just keep offering the solids?
I’d do both. Offer some of your food but have purée on hand after he’s refused. But ultimately a pediatrician may give better advice :)
I appreciate your feedback so much ladies! I have a picky one on my hands that’s for sure. I will definitely give the toast a try as well, to help him get use to it. He’s had it before, but maybe I need to try different spreads on top. He loves the Puffs, and Ritz Crackers the most right now lol. But it’s all stuff that melts away easy.
I'd say put both choices in front of him at every meal. Serve him what you're eating in addition to his usual purée options, and eat with him and make meal time fun and relaxing!! He will see you eating the same option in front of him and when he is comfortable, he should try! After trying a new food, it can take multiple times for babies and toddlers to get used to the new flavor and texture and begin to enjoy the food. Just stay patient and keep offering it! Best of luck 😁👍💕
@Jorim thank you!!! 😊 I appreciate it! I didn’t know if this was something that was concerning for his age. I see toddlers at his age eating way more and it just makes me overthink!
It totally depends on the person, or toddler haha Lots of toddlers slow down in terms of how much they eat because they aren't growing as much as they were as an infant and baby!
My babies ate purées until age 1&2! Honestly sometimes I would use the fruit ones and make little smoothies with them haha
Maybe ask the pediatrician? There are therapy’s for texture aversions.
Have you tried letting him feed himself? My son eats more when he’s feeding himself. But def is eating less in general since hitting the toddler stage
Look up ARFID for future reference in case things don't improve. Dealing with this with my now 4 year old xxx
Has he always refused textured food or is this new? He could be teething or starting tantrums if it’s a new behavior.