My youngest did this for the longest time. We actually used pull ups for a bit because it got to the point that she was just peeing herself constantly. She turned 3 in January and I'd say she's been in strictly underwear for the past 2-3 months and doing a lot better. I make her get on the potty every couple hours if I know she hasn't gone. She was the same way though. She'd say she had to go and she'd already be in the process of peeing her pants. She's easily distracted too and doesn't want to stop playing to go potty. There have been a couple times I sent her to the bathroom to pee and she starts playing in the sink or whatever and pees on the floor instead 🤦‍♀️
I would visit doctors tbh. If it’s suddenly flipped there could be a cause. If they say it’s all fine then I would have her change all accidents she has herself. Have her pick out a potty, her own pants, a load of stickers and some healthy biscuit or animal crackers. Use a reward system. Sticker for a wee biscuit for a poo. They have to happen in the potty or on the toilet or she won’t get them. Keep saying “wee and poo belongs in the loo” set a timer for every 30 min to start with. Each time it goes off LO needs to sit on toilet. Increase it by 10 mins when you think she’s able to hold it longer than 30min with no accidents.
We reset using the oh crap potty training method. It's on YouTube. The support group on Facebook really helped with any challenges too
I still remind my 5yr old like every hr to pee. Once they train and can do all pees and poops on toilet I still remind them because they forget and get distracted when playing. I don’t care what he’s doing I’ll ask nearly hourly and esp when he’s woken, or just about to step out, and when we get there…or when near a toilet or even when I have to go. “Mummy’s going toilet do you need to pee”
Are you reminding her to go pee every 1-2 hours? You still need to take on that mental load. I trained one kid at 3 and one kid at 2. Training at 2 worked but they did not remember to go pee. Even if they notice they need to pee, they don't want to stop playing. So I wouldn't even ask "do you need to pee?" I'd just make them go sit on the toilet.
From an early years practitioner, do NOT go backwards! Don’t put her back in pull ups! Just be firm but fair. Wet yourself? Right, if you do it again, you’re having a toy taken off you. Using the toilet? Great, have a high five or a sticker! Is she drinking enough? Is her urine smelly or discoloured? Is she itching herself? There could be reasons why she’s wetting, but a lot of the time it’s just laziness.
Following! My girl is turning 2 soon. She knows what the potty is for, however doesn't seem mature enough or fully ready to actually tell me she has to pee in the potty... I dunno... how do you know when they're ready to want to follow through?