I would send them with the dad
I did the same to my mom when my parents separated… I lived 6 months with my dad and was begging to come back home begging
It’s such a hard age, sorry you’re going through this. Do you know if there is any outside influences that are making them act this way or are they feeding this behaviour off each other? Maybe some bonding experiences can help? Or get them to write down how they feel? All of you as a collective family should write down some validations for each other?
@Zoe why were you begging to come back?
@Rallii you know what hits the nail, Their father is purposely not helping because he haven’t seen them in years and he keeps on telling the boys b.s to make me seem like the bad person
@Rallii my sons don’t listen, I just did laundry and they are hitting one another with the clothes and dropping it on the floor, I spent 4 hours at the f’ing laundry mate and I just feel so unappreciated for all that I do. I’m going to send them for a year, And if needed I’ll keep them there for 2. I’ve sacrificed my teens and 20’s and have never lived my life. And I know just want peace, Especially after a horrific relationship that I had I just want peace. No disrespect and noise. Just peace.. just peace lord
Realized my mom really loved and cared for me . She was trying her best and working hard to give me everything I asked for . All I needed to do was keep my room clean , wash dishes and stay on top of grades and be respectful
Have you seeks professional help for them & your self ? most of the time kids don’t behave like that for no reason , you just need to figure out what they may be and how to fix it - you could may very well need professional help doing so. Sending them away, won’t fix the problem for them it would just fix the problem for you for a little while
What age is the child we’re talking about ? I think context matters alot but it would be my very last option and only if recommended by professionals would I ever even consider sending my child to live away from home