I’m also confused how you miscarried but didn’t bleed?
I tested positive 2 weeks ago, day after faint positive to a negitive. Doctors at a+e confirmed this was another chemical as my blood test results went down to 0. They said you can have an early miscarriage without bleeding (as I bled loads last time in November) not had a period since 18th December. So I have tested this morning and the positive is a lot stronger then I ever had 2 weeks ago
You can fall pregnant very soon after a miscarriage , simc you got a negative test and levels went to 0 I’d say definitely a new pregnancy x
I would call and schedule an appointment to be sure and get back on a prenatal in the mean time! Also see if your doctors recommend anything for ttc after miscarriage mine recommended daily baby aspirin with prenatal
It’s not scientifically possible to test pregnant, have a miscarriage, ovulate, implant and test positive again in a 2 week period. I’d suggest that possibly the last pregnancy was a later miscarriage than you thought?
@Amy why isn’t it possible? Most women who breastfeed and don’t have their period can still ovulate and fall pregnant. You are more fertile after a MC and some women ovulate earlier than normal. I had two chemicals back to back, took a month off and fell pregnant the following month successfully. If it’s two weeks post MC, the OP could still have ovulated; especially if she has tested negative post MC. I think it’s probably best to wait a few more days and retest and if it’s positive go for formal blood work and a review to relieve the stress around the uncertainty. The other possibility is that it’s peak ovulation?
@Alana because you can not physically get a positive test, ovulate, implant and then get a positive test within 2 weeks. Ovulation can happen early, but say you ovulate at CD6 (which is incredibly early, and very rare - almost impossible actually), it takes a further 6 days *minimum* to implant, and then a further 48 hours to get a (faint) positive test. This already takes us to CD14 (at a minimum). On top of this Incognito said she had a positive pregnancy test 14 days ago, and then sadly miscarried. She would not have ovulated one day after this as it takes time for HCG to drop. It’s just NOT possible. This is nothing to do with BF and getting pregnant, it’s not the same thing. You’re correct you can ovulate 2 weeks after miscarriage, but it would then take a further 2-ish weeks to get a positive test. That’s 4 weeks, not 2 weeks after the miscarriage.
@Amy I know it has nothing to do with pregnancy and BF, I was simply using that as an example of still ovulating in the absence of a period. The OP also said she’s had negative tests and bloods since her MC, so the only other thing that would explain the positive pregnancy tests is possible peak ovulation
@Alana I didn’t say you couldn’t ovulate in the absence of a period? You asked me why it’s not possible to get a positive 2 weeks after a miscarriage and I answered that. High LH doesn’t give a positive pregnancy test.
im confused. try another brand. get more bloodwork
Just to let you know guys I've been checked over blood work ect and this is a new pregnancy and things are looking good so far, so fingers crossed 🤞 you don't need to have a bleed / period after a miscarriage to get pregnant again x
Such amazing news!That’s awesome! I hope all goes well for you
Congrats 🥰 hope it goes really well x
When I was under the hospital etc my 2nd child they told me that from the positive ovulation day if u have sex on that day then a pregnancy test can show up positive 7 days later as on ovulation your egg is 2 weeks old and one week later you are classed as 3 weeks pregnant which confused me at the time but was right as I did it on an ovulation day and 8 days later I had a positive test and 3 weeks after I had an early scan and all was fine. That was after pcos, ovulation being very 3 months and then 2 miscarriages. I also got pregnant that particular time really soon after the miscarriage. Hope all goes well for you and congratulations
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HEY! Just checking in on things, hope all is well! Hows it going? Have you had an ultrasound & more bloodwork? Your case is so interesting having new pregnancy confirmed 2 weeks after loss. this set a whole new biology understanding lol . would like an update especially since we only use the pullout method and not actively trying for a baby. We may need to be EXTRA careful all month after hearing this
@Mrs. M the body does all kinds of weird and wonderful things after a loss! Truly a blessing for the OP
Hi guys, just to confirm I've had a scan I'm 6 and a half weeks pregnant :) all heathy with a heart beat x
Thats a blessing! 🥰 Congratulations 💜✝️🙏
I don’t think you could be pregnant only 2 weeks after a miscarriage, it would take at least 4 weeks. But I can’t explain how this has happened especially if you had negative tests 2 weeks ago.