I use the 60 degree hygeine wash on our washing machine
I do it the same as @Charlotte
i just put her clothes in the wash on the normal setting with mine and my partners clothes. because of her we all use the fairy non bio tablets and softener
I always just ran ours as normal! We already use vinegar instead of fabric softener and unscented detergents
I follow instructions on care labels still for temp
@Alicia does the clothes smell like vinegar after? Just wondering if I should use the same 🥲
@Alicia what does washing with vinegar do?
@Ays not at all!
I washed baby girls clothes on the normal washing cycle but with no washing powder or softener etc, I just washed with normal water as I didn’t have non bio at that specific time
You don’t need to do them on a gentle cycle. In fact you’ll find when baby gets here you’ll likely need a long, warm wash cycle (at least 40 degrees preferably) to get out milk and poop stains. Bio is the best detergent for getting out biological stains so I use something with enzymes personally x
First time round I washed everything so carefully (for my first baby), this time I just put on normal cycle and what ever doesn’t survive the washing or drying is not meant to be 😂 when baby is here I’m not gonna be reading all the labels, I don’t think I’ll have time for that tbh.
I just bang them in on the normal setting I use and wash with fairy non bio and conditioner! Unless the clothes specifically say to wash on a different setting/temp I wouldn't bother!