Also I forgot to say… hardly anyone actually plans babies. But lucky for you… you are married and having a baby with the love of your life. She will have a mommy and daddy who love her very much!!! Babies are blessings and you have a long time to prepare. It may seem scary now but when you have that baby your whole world is gonna change. Keep it simple, you don’t need the name brand stuff or even brand new stuff. You can breast feed and get a pump through insurance. There’s so much out there for you guys I promise it’ll be okay!!!!
I had a baby not even knowing I was pregnant and my daughter is the best thing that's ever happened to me your going to be okay :) no ones ever ready
My son was a complete surprise, but I wouldn't change it for the world. It's hard, but that's to be expected. And it's never a good time, and no one is ready for it. There's no such thing as the "right" time. Life is unfair, and you can only do the best you can. My son doesn't care expensive toys if we play together. We loves to sit in an old box with markers and go ham on it, drawing loads of things. All will fall into place and will be right for you.
Happened with my first. Biggest regret of my life was not having the preparedness and heart I do now. All I can do is make up for it now and make the changes I wish I had back then!
We scrape by and we have 4. God provides exactly what we need and they’re very happy they don’t know any different. Your baby wouldn’t be able to recognize any lack of financial stability until they’re much older and by then your husband will likely have a higher income or you both will be contributing! There are state benefits. Medicaid, food stamps, etc. You can find free baby items on Facebook or marketplace stuff for less. People ask me all the time how we do it, and I tell them we have just what we need and nothing more and we are very happy. I’ve been so blessed to have so much handed down to me and access to so many resources to get us through these years with our girls and it’s all bc we did not give in to fear and kept going! Use a baby shower to your advantage. I too sometimes compare myself to others. But my kids are happy, fed, have a roof over their head and have both mommy and daddy at home when they go to sleep. We’ve won the lottery.