How old is too old

So I have a 9 month old baby and really really want another. I'm 35 so want to do it kinda quickly. I didn't have the best but certainly not the worst pregnancy. Am I getting too old? Any other mom's have multiple babies after 35??
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Lol is this satire ?? It’s 2025 not 1885 average menopause age is 53 not 33 most people these days start having kids at your age.

I had my first at 38!

I am in a similar boat. I am almost 37. My baby is about 9 months. I’m planning to TTC in June. I want to have 2 more babies so my third pregnancy will have to be closer than this. I didn’t have any difficulties TTC and usually got pregnant first try every time. Not sure how it will be as I age. My sister has many kids and had one at 40.

Had my first at 37 and will have my 2nd in 4 months time and I'll be 39

Girrrrl, if you haven’t hit menopause, go for it!

I had mine at 36, 39 and 41. You’re fine 🙂 Honestly, I wish I would have spaced mine out more. Two under 2 was not kind to me.

I had my first at almost 34 and second at 36. I waited 18m to get pregnant after my first but felt really inclined to try sooner. Overall I was glad I waited a little longer to give my body a break after a year of nursing but you do you! And by no means are you too old!!

I had my first at 37 and plan to have one more sometime next year I hope! I think it depends on the person. For me, I had a liver transplant and am type 1 diabetic so I don’t want to be too much older bc I don’t think my body can go through that as well. But most women now days are having babies later in life!

Had my second at 39 fell pregnant at 38

First at 37, now 39. Go for it!

Lol same here. My first at 38. I had no symptoms or anything. Doing everything as usual. Just gastrointestinal diabetes.

Had my first at 40! Was perfectly fine and considering a second. Go for it mama, if you want to!

Had my first at 35. Going to be 37 this year 🥹Would like another but not until my current one can walk, talk, and eat/drink on her own 🤣 - and even then maybe once she has entered pre-k. I’m a full-time worker, every situation is different. Do what works for you and fam.

I'm having my first and I'm 35...

I’m 38 and had my #3 just 12 days before my 38th birthday. There are loads of mums having babies into their 40s now so no youre not too old

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I had my second at 35 and had my third 5 months ago and I'm 40. I'm definitely done though and had my tubes out during my last csection.

Had my son at 39, zero complications with pregnancy or labor.

Had my son a month before I turned 39, you are not too old.

I just want to add that in Canada geriatric pregnancy is considered after 40 and not 35 as in the USA.

I had my first at 34…I’m 39 now hoping to have a baby by 42

I had my first aged 39 If you are healthy then gee any age!

I had mine one month shy of my 42nd birthday

I’ll just be 37 when I have no3. Had 1&2 at 20 and 22. Said to my partner I didn’t want to be much older if we had one as I didn’t want to be an old mum. Love the fact that at 40 I’ll have a 20 and 18year old, means I can enjoy the time with them. By the time no3 hits the same age I’ll be almost 60 😩 and that terrifies me.

My friend is 40 and had a “surprise” baby. Her other kids are 11 and 10 and her youngest is now going to be 3

I’m 35 and 20 weeks pregnant I’ll have 2 under 2s come May you will regret if you want but don’t try x

I’m 38 and pregnant with my first - my scheduled c-section date (elective due to past trauma) is 29 days after my 39th birthday (7 weeks from tomorrow).

I had my first at 36 after 12 years ttc, my girl is now nearly 1 and we are hoping to go back to ivf soon to try for a sibling

I had my first at 32 and my second at 38

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