@Chloe yeah 20th Jan but when I did the form it said can’t apply yet
If you require a code prior to the 31 day thing to secure your space with your childcare provider they will supply a temporary code. I had to ring and ask for one. Don't let them fob you off if it puts their place at risk x
Yeah it’s the setting that have asked for it! So confusing as my hours, pay etc returning to work are all different and I don’t have any of those details either Thank you for your help
I got a letter through after I did the online bit which said it couldn’t give me a code - saying to ring HMRC to give me the code - maybe just ring them xx
I had to call them as I couldn’t apply online as I only work two mornings a week but get LCW through UC. They’re really helpful x
I had to call them and they were really helpful.
Thanks all, I’ll call them tomorrow
How did u get on? I called yesterday as return to work on 31 Jan but nursery need code by end December and was told I can’t get I’ve until 31 days before which night be to late
@Emma oh no! I’ve not tried yet! I must do it Monday!
When are you due back, before Jan 31st?