The back-to-school season is filled with excitement, new pencils, and, sometimes, anxiety. Explore expert advice and real stories from real mamas on Peanut.
When should / do you need to start looking at nurseries for our babies? I’m not due to return to work til January 2026 but unsure when I need to consider looking at and applying for nurseries??
Is anyone not sending their little one to pre pre and waiting till next year so they do a year of nursery and then onto primary school? Or if people have done this, was their little one ok? I can't bear to think of spending my day with out my little one
Looking for affordable preschool recommendations in the area!
Please explain your reason why, either way. Would like to hear different opinions/thoughts. Thank You
Little bit confused so hoping someone’s been able to find the answer somewhere as I can’t . With the free hours turning to 30 hours this September will we be able to carry over these free 30 hours to the school nursery in May next year or wait until the new term? We’re applying to a different school nursery which...
We're late into the nursery idea but my favourite nursery is pack lunch only and I don't remember seeing a table or anything for them to sit at. I think that and spare clothes don't stay at nursery and my son would be in nappies there (he still has multiple accidents a day) is really putting me off but the second 2 ...
I have asked the daycare nursery to confirm prices and times for my little boy so I know and can plan going back to work, they have said with 30hrs funded 2 days a week would be £187 a month and 3 days would be £477! Am I being really stupid or does £300 difference for 1 extra day seem like way to much??
I’m visiting a nursery tomorrow for my daughter to hopefully attend next January. What sort of questions do I need to ask them?
anyone’s child go to Manor House quex?
My lo currently does Tuesdays and Thursdays at nursery and loves it. He eats well, naps okay(ish), and generally has fun there. When the funding increases in September we’ll probably put him in for a third. Wednesday seems most likely as I’m off work Fridays, and don’t want to be charged for bank holiday Mondays (...
I’m trying to work out how much money to put into our online account for paying the childminder and this is the breakdown she has sent me. I don’t understand it at all! She charges £80 a day and we get 15 hours funding from next month. Am I understanding right that the 15 hours funding per week does essentially no...
Hi, my son is currently in nursery 3 days a week. I assumed when the 30 hours came in in September then that would be his hours covered and we would pay consumables etc. I realise now that they are only allowing 5.75 hours per day and we pay the rest and that to get the full allowance he has to be in for 4 days a we...
What are you all planning to do for childcare during school holidays? My parents live an hour away, so can't wait really ask them for help. The school we put as first choice due to school clubs, the holiday club is really limited apparently, and don't think there are many other places that offer holiday clubs or i...
Hi ladies! Just wondering when everyone is starting their little ones in playschool, ECCE or school? Initially we wanted to do one year playschool two ECCE and start school at 5 years 8 months. However, our crèche told us they think 4 years 8 months is a better age and they only have room for her for one year ECCE a...
Starting to think about them starting school, are there any pros/cons to using a childminder vs after school club? Love to hear your thoughts!
Assuming your littles aren’t in school yet
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