Work from home moms

Hi all! My baby’s last day of daycare is next Thursday. She will be with me all day while I work remotely. My job requires me to do a lot of computer work and meetings. Work from home moms with baby/ies at home, how do you do it?! Any advice ?
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As someone who wfm and is a mom and whose kid is sometimes home when I work, realistically you can’t. You’ll be able to work when they are napping or at night. If I were you, I would hire a sitter if you need to get work done or take time off.

Agree, kids struggle with caregivers who are there physically but disconnected from them.

My son is mostly in daycare But in the days he’s with me it’s wild 😂 When my next baby gets here in January, she’ll have to stay with me for a few months till a slot opens up, and then my son will be home all summer. If you’re able to Flex Time, I would suggest logging on as earlyyy as possible so you can get a head start before they wake up

Also someone who wfh🙋🏻‍♀️! Agree with above! It’s extremely hard and unrealistic once they start moving around (crawling, walking). I would at least get a sitter 3 days a week, or half days 5 days a week. You will feel a guilt not being able to play with them and give them the attention they need. Not to mention meetings are worse because that’s when they will really want your attention or be apart of the meeting(mine started doing this at 11 months)

My husband and I both wfh and our daughter is in daycare. We have her here on days she's sick or daycare is closed and it's stressful af. Neither of us get our work done and end up working more after she goes to bed. I don't know how it can done with everyone having their needs met (work and baby).

I’ve done it for 18 months no issues my son is a good napper though so I get most of my work done during his nap I used sound proof headphones and I try and manage my work load as best as I can I am still a top performer I think the key is to look at it like this if you were in office you would have some distractions so I try and remember it’s okay to get distracted at times or step away but I know every company is different

What kind of work do you do? According to your post, if you have to be active on the phone or via Zoom or whatever, it's going to be hard. I'm blessed that my remote position doesn't need me to be on the phone or active with people. If so, I probably would have to put them in daycare as I don't see myself being able to do both. I would never utilize screens, and independent play only lasts for so long , no matter how good baby naps.

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