Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Trying to Conceive.
We been trying since she turned 6 months she is now 14 months why does it feel harder to get pregnant this time around .
I can't cum sometimes because I'm an overthinker and have had trauma So I get it but.. still.. wwyd?! I'm starting to chat with ppl again to see what's out there
I have a big question for those who started or have more babies after 40 how difficult was to get pregnant again? I am asking because I had my baby 8 months ago by c section and I do want to have on more but I am afraid it will take longer and honestly I will like to have my last baby before 45 😟
Any advice welcome - I’m currently 4+2 after TTC for 15 months. In the lead up to being pregnant I found out I had low progesterone. Was 25nmol when you need a minimum of 30nmol. I’m really concerned I’ll miscarry if it doesn’t go high enough. Anyone suffered from the same? I don’t think NHS will give me progesteron...
App says I'm 5 weeks. Is this worrying? It has been faint for 6 days now.
Anyones bubs started having lie ins? Feels blissful the past 2 days after a week of 5.45 starts. Not sure if it's just a bit of luck tho
I have a low AMH and have just recently started TTC, just hoping for some stories to help me stay positive … good luck everyone x
Has anyone else’s baby dropped 2 centiles and what advice did you receive about it? Thank you
Hi ladies!!! So hubby and I have been TTC and there are many factors that I felt like would create obstacles. So I’m actually kind of shocked! I use the Flo app and it suggested I test in 3 days unless AF comes tomorrow. So me being me… I tested today lol. I need another set of eyes to confirm I am not being delusio...
I just now literally just now realized that if I get pregnant he wouldn’t be the only baby and I am not well 😭😭 He needs siblings and I want that too but rn I cannot stop crying
Anyone else gonna be starting their TTC journey in February? Looking for friends to symptom spot and endure the TWW with! Here’s to hoping for some November babies 🤞🏼
I currently have an IUD in and it’s supposed to come out January of 2026. I want to try and NOT have a fall/winter baby, because I’m December, my husband is December and my son is the end of November. I want a summer baby!!! I have a big trip coming up in July, so I’d rather not do it then. But when should we start...
I have a 2 year old and I'm literally 9 months pregnant due any day. I am 100% wanting my tubes tied but don't know how to go about it? Has anyone done it? How long did it take to get it done from asking?
My lg is 16months and definitely a sensitive one, although she is fairly head strong and confident. Just wondering if anyone else has an orchid baby, as I want to start night weening and I know it's going to be tough for this reason?
I’m desperate for baby 2 but worried as I’m a little older and periods are a bit all over the place since I stopped breastfeeding that it’s going to be harder this time around
Just wandered if anyone in this group has had any success with improving their partner’s sperm quality after being diagnosed with Male Factor issues, and if so what did you do?
18 dpo today I think. I know it’s weird to keep testing but it’s helping my nerves as I never got one like this with my ectopic!
I'd love to know everyone's baby no.2 experience. When did you start trying and what's the age gap? For those that have had baby no.2 right after your first (within the following 12 months or so), how was it anatomically and physically? How did it feel physically to become pregnant again soon after? The NHS instill...
Can anyone share their experiences with low Papp-A please. Been told I have today and it’s worried me a little. Thanks in advance x
So I have a 9 month old baby and really really want another. I'm 35 so want to do it kinda quickly. I didn't have the best but certainly not the worst pregnancy. Am I getting too old? Any other mom's have multiple babies after 35??