Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Menopause.
I don’t understand it. This year has been hell. MC at the start of the year and then month after month of ‘nopes’, your body lied to you again. My body is useless. I think I should just quit. Maybe the universe is telling me something. So much for being more fertile post MC, what a load of 💩
Is having a baby more painful than getting a divorce, I've never gotten a divorce before.
Just woke up with racing heart that is out of control another sleepless night anyone else suffer like this I feel so alone suffering like this
Please introduce yourself. Would love to connect and get to know you
Another night of horrendous anxiety bursts want to sleep but know I will be awake in five minutes with racing heart palatations
Having one of those 'down' periods where hormones are doing me dirty. I have a headache, feel uncomfortable and irritable. anyone else around the 23/24 mark feeling the same? 😪
Anyone take any natural/herbal HRT style supplement that works well? Esp for anxiety and other more psychological symptoms of perimenopause please? Really need to balance my hormones - and will only take something natural. Thanks.
I’ve gotten to the 1 year mark and I suddenly feel like my hormones are all out of whack! Don’t know whether i’m coming or going. Does anyone else feel like this?
I would love to say it's my hormones, but I'm not sure. I have trouble remembering anything and I have no motivation to remember or do anything now. Has anyone else experienced this? And by the way, happy Thanksgiving, everyone.
So, I just had an annual check up and got a whole bunch of lab work done. I specifically asked to check my hormones as well bc I’ve been breaking out and hair has been thinning. Confirmed I’m anemic, but my iron has always been low. I’ve been taking iron supplements though, so not sure why it’s still low. My estroge...
Constantly been checking for lumps in breast every single day and hour of the day it’s so draining don’t know how to overcome this cycle
Not necessarily ttc but also not not trying I have a very regular cycle of between 28-30 days. I’m now on day 35, still no period but negative tests. Not any pregnancy symptoms per say but definitely an increase in discharge. Is it possible that my cycle length is just changing ?
Am I the only one dealing with late periods 🤧🤧🤧. I’m def not pregnant. Single mom not doing the deed . Maybe it’s stress or hormones idk 🤷♀️
Sorry this is way TMI but I'm currently 7 days pp and I can't keep my hands off my husband!! We haven't done anything bc I have stitches but it's so wild, I haven't had this much of a sex drive in months! Is this a normal hormonal thing?
I am gaining 10-15 lbs a month and my gynecologist says its from perimenopause?!?!
We need the room! After an afternoon family walk (turned hike) we discussed increasing our movement (physical activity). Using the smart tv as a resource we found an already installed fitness app and proceeded to stretch. As the project downstairs moved upstairs to accommodate an indoor/outdoor neighborhood event…we...
I'm so h-angry lol and my partner is infuriating me, he hasn't really done anything wrong 🤣
Anybody else having period like pains? Uh It’s mainly one side🙄
Okay so recently it’s either I’m way too hot or I’m just freezing. I’m more hot than cold and would love if someone could give some tips on how they deal with it.
Progesterone is needed as part of HRT for those who still have their womb to protect the lining against thickening and issues when using oestrogen. Most people don't experience issues with progesterone, but some do. The preferred options are body-identical micronised progesterone (like Utrogestan, or Prometrium in ...