Community Posts, Tips & Support on Work & Money

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Work & Money.

Tax credit

Hi all, was told today by a mom about the tax credit but online seems very complicated. Never had apply for any funding/benefits so not sure where to start. Can anyone help to understand more? My partner and I get good salaries (80k and 90k) so not sure if that would be an issue but if we are entitled to some child...



Can i just post the form? or does it have to be taken to the job centre? i’m very confused. Also, how long is it taking at the moment?


FMLA unpaid leave

so i’m wanting to take FMLA unpaid leave. i’m a contracted worker so that’s all i qualify for having been at my job for a year & met the hour requirements. i want to take the full 12 weeks. i’m entitled to that right? my job can’t shorten it? my state says 12 weeks is FMLA. my ob said medically they can only write o...


Wic NJ

Hi all, ftm here unfamiliar with the wic process/application processes . When I was a kid I know my mom had it but she said things have probably changed since then. Any feedback is appreciated. For background context Due in April, I make 30k a year living in nj living with my boyfriend.


I was just told i have to get "permission" to switch obs??

So I had my first appt since finding out I'm pregnant again. Im about 11 weeks. I hated how the doctor treated me he had terrible bedside manner. The entire time I was in his office he was starring at his computer screen wouldn't even look at me. Then when it was time for me to leave he didn't even stand up or anyth...


Maternity leave

When is everyone starting their maternity leave? I’m 33 weeks today and was planning on working until 38 weeks but I really don’t think I’m going to be able to do it. I’m absolutely shattered and also have a toddler


Job vacancies Mcr UK

Hi, I'm a single mom to a 5yr old toddler boy who attends school full time but I struggle to find a 9-5 to fit around our schedule as it really is only me. I try to search for WFH jobs but most come up as scams and I can't afford to lose anymore money. Please help ladies!


Retirement Plans

I work full time and contribute towards a retirement plan and I’m earning a pension. I’ve been considering becoming a full time mom, however if I stop working, I’ll lose my pension (not vested yet). I’ll get to keep what I’ve saved in my retirement plans but it’s not where it should be as my pension was my main plan...


Interviewing for internal promotion

Just asking for advice from any mums here who work in HR or employment law please! An internal promotion has come up which I am hoping to apply for. I know my rights whilst on mat leave, and I know that I can't be discriminated against and refused the job because I'm on maternity leave. However, I'm wondering if the...


Life insurance

Hi, This isn’t baby related. Well it kind of is as I want to take out life insurance, god forbid anything happens to me and my children are taken care of. I’d like to know the best life insurance companies and people views on them please? Just so I can have a bit of help deciding who to go with. Thank you for ...


Back at work

Hi girls. Assuming most of us working mummas have returned to work now (and if not; will shortly), just a little check in - how is it going? How’s your new routine going, drop offs and pick ups for little one, nursery or alternative care arrangements etc? Do you like the new routine? I returned part time a few wee...



Serious question. How is everyone financially surviving? My partner works crazy hours. I have a 2 year old and 7 month old. I’m doing wee odd cleaning jobs/delivery jobs here and there when I can. We don’t have support or childcare money at the moment. Struggling month to month. I can’t get a set full time or part t...


Working from home…

Hi I’m just looking for advice with working from home I have a 8 month old atm and due to go back to work March -April I’m dreading the conversion I have to have with my boss about what hours to do as Ik we would be better off me working full time but I feel like juggling both the baby and working at home will be ha...


Back to work

I’m just starting to feel like my self again slowly and I don’t want to go back to work ☹️ I don’t want to leave my baby and I just don’t even want to work. I feel anxious just thinking about going it’s like everyday is counting down



What bank is best for my child to save money ?


LinkedIn status for SAHM

Hello moms 👋 I quit my job in December to become a stay at home mom, but left my LinkedIn as is (still shows previous company and title). I have recruiters reaching out and I’m ignoring them at the moment. I’m not planning to work for about two more years. Our son will go to preschool around 3 years old. For the…


(UK) Supply Teaching Assistant advice

I've just got a job as a supply TA as I like the flexibility & can be with my baby more. I live in a small village, and I'm surrounded by other small villages so I'm worried about not getting any work! I'm hoping to do 3 days a week so I can be home with my baby for 2 days and still pay the bills!! Is anyone else a ...


When a job says £26k - £35k what you doing ?

As it’s a private company there’s gonna be no pay scales. I’ve only ever worked in paid banding systems so what’s the protocol 😂


Will having a gap in my CV make it harder to find work at a similar level?

My employer is making me redundant during mat leave.. little one is 3m old. I’d still like to take a full year off but I’m worried about there being a gap in my CV and if this might make it harder for me to find work. I’m a finance director but would happily take on a head of finance / finance manager role. Any adv...


Coombe private

I am just looking for peoples experiences of going to the Coombe private, what was the price after health insurance deductions? Is there a way to do it cheaper by doing combined care etc? I would still like to attend my GP


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