4 DPO is four whole days past ovulation — and each of these days only contains 24 hours.
We know. It doesn’t feel that way. The tension is real.
Your whole life feels like it’s hinging on the drama that may or may not unfold between a 0.0047-inch egg and a 0.002-inch sperm. Phew.
If you’re cycling through “Is this a symptom?”, “Should I test yet?”, and “But what if…?” thoughts on repeat, you’re definitely not alone.
(Before we start, here’s a guide on the different fertility abbreviations, to keep you in the know.)
So what’s happening at 4 days post ovulation? Let’s take a look, with a little help from embryologist and fertility expert, Navya Muralidhar.
In this article: 📝
- What is happening at 4 DPO?
- Where is the egg 4 days after ovulation?
- Is 4 DPO too early for implantation?
- Can you test positive 4 days DPO?
- How do you feel 4 days after ovulation?
- What are some 4 DPO symptoms success stories?
What is happening at 4 DPO?
So at 4 DPO, what is happening?
At 4 DPO, you’re in the luteal phase of your menstrual cycle (that’s the phase between ovulation and your next expected period).
In this phase, progesterone and estrogen are high as they prep the lining of your uterus for pregnancy. [1]
If you don’t conceive this month, the lining will (literally) go with your next flow.
Where is the egg 4 days after ovulation?
If you’re on day 4 after conception, things will be taking a bit of a different turn of events.
When you ovulate, one of your ovaries releases an egg (or eggs) into your fallopian tube. [2]
If said egg joins forces with an awaiting sperm, they form a zygote.
At 4 DPO, that zygote is likely on the trip of a lifetime down your fallopian tube.
The goal? To implant in the lining of your uterus and begin the long journey to baby-dom.
Is 4 DPO too early for implantation?
Can implantation happen 4 days after ovulation?
Well, implantation at 4 DPO is unlikely.
That means if you’re spotting 4 DPO, it’s probably best to check in with your healthcare practitioner as this is a little early for implantation bleeding.
But it could also be ovulation bleeding, which many of our Peanut moms say could be a sign of a particularly fertile cycle.
Up to 10–40% of fertilized eggs don’t implant, and it’s not your fault.
Early pregnancy loss happens and it’s more common than you might think.
You’re not alone, and you didn’t do anything wrong.
How many DPO is implantation?
So we know that implantation at 4 DPO isn’t likely ‒ although stranger things have happened!
But implantation usually happens somewhere between 6 and 12 days DPO, often somewhere in the 8 to 10-day window.
And we don’t mean to scare you, but if you need to hear this right now, early pregnancy loss is common.
And there’s often no reason for it, either.
Implantation is complicated, with up to 10 to 40% of fertilized eggs unable to implant.
You are not to blame.
Reach out to others who are going through the same thing.
You don’t have to do this alone.
Can you test positive 4 days DPO?
Is it worth taking a 4 DPO pregnancy test?
Honestly? Not really, no.
Pregnancy tests work by detecting a hormone called hCG that’s released at implantation, by the growing embryo.
At day 4 after ovulation, implantation may still be a few days off, so it’s not likely that you’ll get a BFP even if fertilization has taken place.
So a pregnancy test at 4 DPO is too early to detect anything.
But if you just can’t wait, or you want to see when the earliest you can get your positive result will be, try not to be disappointed if you see a 4 DPO negative pregnancy test.
It doesn’t necessarily mean you’re not pregnant ‒ it might just be too early to tell.
Most of our Peanut moms-to-be who took tests this early also saw a 4 DPO BFN, but, once in a blue moon, we have heard tell of the elusive 4 DPO positive pregnancy test.
Ultimately, it’s best to stick it out until the day after your first missed period to take your test for the most accurate results ‒ and morning pee is best, too (then, you’ll have the highest possible levels of hCG, so it’ll be easier to spot on a pregnancy test).
(Sorry. We know the wait is agonizing.)
In TTC circles, the TWW is the two-week wait between ovulation and your next expected period (cycles vary in length so this is by no means an exact two weeks).
It’s notorious for how very long it can feel. If you need help surviving it, head here.
Can hCG be detected 4 days after ovulation?
Not often, no.
It’s still early days, and your hCG levels haven’t had a chance to build up to the point that they’d be detected on a pregnancy test if you are pregnant.
Usually, the earliest you can get a positive pregnancy test is at about 8-10 DPO, but it’s still best to wait until 14 or 15 DPO (or the day after your missed period) for the most accurate result.
How do you feel 4 days after ovulation?
Now let’s take a look at the potential 4 DPO symptoms.
Unfortunately, at 4 DPO, it’s probably too soon to be feeling pregnancy symptoms ‒ we know that’s probably not what you want to hear right now!
As things progress, here are some early pregnancy symptoms to look out for, although most of these probably won’t kick in for another week or two:
Symptom | Why it happens |
Mild cramping | Rising progesterone can cause light uterine cramps (similar to PMS). [3] |
Fatigue | Early hormonal shifts may make you feel extra tired, but pregnancy fatigue wouldn’t be kicking in just yet. |
Breast changes | Tingling nipples. Darker, larger areolas. Yep, we’ve seen it all — it could be part of your normal luteal phase, or it could be a super-early sign of pregnancy. [4] |
Nausea and vomiting (rare for 4 DPO) | While nausea 4 days after ovulation is pretty rare, it’s not unheard of. But you’re more likely to experience pregnancy nausea after your positive pregnancy test ‒ a couple of weeks into your pregnancy. |
Bloating | A fairly common symptom of pregnancy, but it’s hard to tell if it’s just your run-of-the-mill post-ovulation bloating. |
Discharge | You might see thicker, creamier cervical mucus post-ovulation. Some people interpret changes in color, consistency, or volume as an early sign of pregnancy, but it can also be part of your normal cycle. [5] |
What does cervical mucus look like 4 DPO?
Of course you’re checking every single possible early pregnancy sign ‒ don’t worry, it’s totally normal!
If you have any unusual 4 DPO discharge, that could well be a pregnancy symptom.
But it also might not.
Sorry to say, having cloudy or thick discharge (or cervical mucus) at 4 DPO could also be your body’s usual cycle, post-ovulation.
It’s still too early to feel any changes in your cervix at 4 DPO if pregnant, but at about 12 DPO, it might feel softer and higher than usual.
And if you’re experiencing bleeding 4 days after ovulation or spotting at 4 DPO, it’s also still a bit too early for implantation bleeding, but it could be ovulation bleeding, which doesn’t always mean that you’re not pregnant.
What causes cramping 4 days after ovulation?
Now for cramping 4 days after ovulation.
It’s another common symptom that our Peanut moms-to-be have experienced, but it doesn’t always mean that you’re pregnant.
It also doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re not pregnant.
Sorry, but it’s just still too early to definitively say anything about your 4 DPO symptoms.
4 DPO cramps could be caused by an increase in progesterone, which can cause cramps that feel like PMS ‒ so it’s not likely to be implantation cramps.
They could also be a classic post-ovulation symptom for people who aren’t pregnant, too.
And if you’re feeling 4 DPO nausea with your cramps?
Well, that’s not all that common ‒ it’s usually still too early to be experiencing pregnancy nausea, but it could be caused by stress ‒ after all, this TTC thing can be tough.
It can help to have a community of other TTC women there to support and ease your mind ‒ you’re always welcome to join us on Peanut.
What are some 4 DPO symptoms success stories?
It can help to know that you’re not alone in your TTC journey.
That’s why we’ve asked our Peanut community to share their 4 DPO symptoms success stories ‒ even if they had no symptoms this early on, some of these resulted in a healthy pregnancy!
- “Today I’m 4 DPO and have peed nonstop and been super thirsty.” ‒ Katie
- “I’m 4 DPO and tonight after dinner, I literally threw up my entire dinner. And I have other symptoms in addition to this ‒ sore boobs, fatigue and a heightened sense of smell.” ‒ Serena
- “I’m 4DPO and have had cramping and pelvic pain, which I don’t normally have so my head is all over the place.” ‒ Claire
- “I am 4 DPO and I am eating so much!” ‒ Melissa
- “4 DPO (literally just learned what this means because this is our first month trying!) I feel like my nipples have been a bit tingly… and I have some back ache.” ‒ Clare
- “4 DPO, and I suddenly feel very nauseated and the smell of banana is making me feel sick. Nipples are sore too. The latter is normally PMS for me but I don’t usually go off foods.” ‒ Christine
- “I’m 4 DPO, too, sore boobs and sensitive nipples began yesterday and I normally don’t have that issue until my cycle begins or a day before. I went off banana bread this evening and got nauseous after trying to eat some plain cereal. I also don’t get food aversions. I’ve also been warmer than normal this evening. I’m trying to not look into too much, but it’s nice to hear that someone else is feeling the same.” ‒ Jo

Hang in there — this might feel like the longest wait of your life, but you’re truly not alone.
There’s no one way to have a pregnancy.
While TTC can be hard, it doesn’t have to be lonely.
If you’re at 4 DPO, there’s a whole Peanut community, all going through some version of this journey.
Good luck, bestie — we’re rooting for you.
➡️ Read next: 5 DPO: Symptoms, Signs & What to Expect