So you’re at 2 DPO, at the start of your two-week wait.
Whether you’re feeling excited, nervous, or just plain tired, there’s no denying that these few days at the beginning of the TWW (two-week wait) can feel like they go on forever.
If it makes it any easier, here’s our guide to everything that’s going on with your body today, with help from embryologist and fertility expert, Navya Muralidhar.
In this article: 📝
- Do you feel anything 2 days after conception?
- What happens 2 days after ovulation?
- What are 2 DPO symptoms?
- Can implantation happen 2 days post-ovulation?
- Why do I have cramps 2 days after ovulation?
- Does progesterone rise 2 days after ovulation?
- Can you feel pregnant 2 days after ovulation?
- Can you get a positive test at 2 DPO?
Do you feel anything 2 days after conception?
At 2 DPO, you probably won’t feel anything different than you would on a normal day.
This doesn’t mean that there’s not a lot going on inside your body.
It’s more to do with the fact that, annoyingly, at this stage, 2 DPO symptoms ending in BFP (big fat positive on your pregnancy test) can be pretty similar (sometimes the same) as your normal post-ovulation symptoms in your menstrual cycle.
What happens 2 days after ovulation?
At 2 days post ovulation, your egg has hopped out of the ovary and into a fallopian tube, beginning its journey toward the uterus.
If sperm were ready and waiting (hello, timing!), fertilization may have already happened, forming a zygote.
If fertilization didn’t occur, the egg typically gets reabsorbed.
If fertilization did occur, that fertilized egg starts dividing every 15 hours or so, making its way toward your uterus. [1]
Once it gets there, it will hopefully (fingers crossed) implant and settle in for the next nine months sometime between 6 and 10 DPO.
What are 2 DPO symptoms?
Can you have pregnancy symptoms at 2 DPO?
Not really, no — since the fertilized egg wouldn’t have implanted yet, it’s not technically possibly to have any signs of pregnancy at this point. [3]
But that’s not to say you won’t have any post-ovulation symptoms.
Each of these can also be signs that you’re in the normal luteal phase of your cycle, when your progesterone levels go up to thicken your uterus lining.
You might just be noticing them more because you’re paying more attention to your body than you ever have before (hello, symptom spotting!)
Symptoms | Why? |
Tiredness/fatigue | Rising progesterone can bring on sleepiness, whether you’re pregnant or not. [2] |
Breast tenderness | Hormonal fluctuations can make breasts feel heavier or more sensitive. |
Mood swings | Changing hormone levels (progesterone, estrogen) can impact your mood. |
Bloating | Progesterone can slow digestion, causing gas and bloating. |
Back pain and pelvic pain | Likely related to ovulation or early hormonal shifts. |
Nausea | Might be due to hormones or anxiety — it’s too early for “morning sickness” just yet. |
Cramping | 2 DPO cramping is a bit early for implantation cramps, but it could also be your standard post-ovulation cramping, too. |
Discharge | Post-ovulation discharge often becomes thicker; if pregnant, some notice increased CM (cervical mucus). |
Cervix changes | If you’re checking how hard or soft your cervix is, you might notice it feeling a little softer than usual, before it hardens up ready for the mucus plug. |
There’s no harm in tracking your 2 DPO symptoms, especially if you’ve been TTC for a while and you know your body well.
On the other hand, at this early stage, you might find that it’s better for your mental health to go with the flow and try to distract yourself from every new feeling as you wait out the TWW, until you can finally take a test.
Here are some of our Peanut TTC community sharing their 2 DPO symptoms:
- “I’ve got exhaustion at 2 DPO, I can barely keep my eyes open to function.” ‒ Allison
- “Had moderate cramps from 2-4 DPO (unusual for me), indigestion after eating between 5-8 DPO. Now sharp twinges in lower right abdomen 9-10 DPO.” ‒ Becky
- “2 DPO and my hips have become achy and painful and I’m cramping.” ‒ Megan
- “I’m 2DPO and getting cramps and sensitive nipples.” ‒ Katy
- “I know it’s way too early to even start thinking about symptoms, but I have had sore boobs and dizziness and nausea that comes and goes starting today ‒ 2 DPO.” ‒ Gaby
- “I have sore boobs, fatigue, and my lower abdomen feels so full at 2 days post ovulation.” ‒ Aja
- “I’m 2 DPO and feeling bloated and have stomach cramps.” ‒ Sarah

Can implantation happen 2 days post-ovulation?
No — implantation usually happens between 6 to 12 DPO.
So if you’re spotting at 2 DPO, it’s not likely to be implantation bleeding ‒ it’s more likely to be ovulation bleeding.
Why do I have cramps 2 days after ovulation?
Cramping at 2 DPO (or at any time) can be one of the symptoms that worries every woman who’s TTC.
But cramping 2 days past ovulation, it isn’t an indication that you are or aren’t pregnant, and it doesn’t necessarily mean anything bad.
In about a week’s time, you might experience implantation cramps and spotting, as the embryo embeds itself in your uterine wall, but it would be pretty rare for this to happen before 3 DPO.
2 DPO cramps are more likely to be ovulation cramps.
Does progesterone rise 2 days after ovulation?
Yes, your progesterone levels will rise straight after ovulation, reaching their peak at about 5 to 9 DPO.
This is the case whether you’re pregnant or not ‒ rising progesterone at this point is essentially there to help with implantation, although if you are pregnant, they’ll keep rising until about 36 weeks pregnant.
Can you feel pregnant 2 days after ovulation?
It’s possible, but hard to tell at this stage.
On paper, the frustrating waiting game is going to continue for at least another week.
You won’t experience true pregnancy symptoms until after implantation because, before that point, your body really has no idea whether it’s pregnant or not.
In fact, it’s the process of implantation that triggers your body to start secreting the hormones that cause the classic symptoms of pregnancy, like nausea, changes to your breasts, and fatigue.
Lots of women swear that they just knew long before a pregnancy test confirmed their suspicions.
After all, no one knows our own bodies better than us.
Can you get a positive test at 2 DPO?
No, it’s not possible to get a 2 DPO positive pregnancy test ‒ it’s a bit too early to get an accurate result.
If you get a 2 DPO negative pregnancy test, that doesn’t mean you’re not pregnant.
It takes just over a week to get your hCG levels high enough to show a positive pregnancy test result.
So if you’re looking at a 2 DPO BFN, don’t despair!
Wait a bit longer to take a pregnancy test ‒ about 10-14 DPO (although 14 DPO is best, the day after your next expected period) ‒ to get a more accurate result.
Nothing’s set in stone yet — your egg might still be on its journey, or it might have slipped off the radar.
Try to be kind to yourself in these early days.
Whether you’re symptom-spotting like a hawk or practicing mindfulness to keep your stress in check, do what feels right for you.
If you’re on 2 DPO, hang in there, be kind to yourself, and remember you can always talk all things TTC with other women in the Peanut community.
➡️ Read next: 3 DPO: Signs, Symptoms & What to Expect