So, you’ve reached 15 DPO (that’s 15 days post ovulation, if you’re just joining us).
If you have a regular(ish) 28-day cycle, the nail-biting two-week wait (TWW) is now over.
And… still no period.
You’re nervous. You’re excited.
And you’re bursting with questions: “Will a 15 DPO pregnancy test be positive? Was that nausea I just felt? Where did I put that baby name book?”
We get it. Let’s get stuck into what you can expect at this early milestone, with some insight from embryologist and fertility expert, Navya Muralidhar.
And if you’re confused by all the acronyms, here’s a glossary.
In this article: 📝
- What can I expect at 15 DPO?
- How many DPO is considered late?
- Is 15 DPO too early to test?
- What are the symptoms of 15 days pregnancy?
- How do you feel 15 days after conception?
- Can you be 15 DPO with no symptoms?
What can I expect at 15 DPO?
Every woman TTC (trying to conceive) goes through their own unique experience.
Still, that doesn’t mean we can’t give you the lowdown on the general patterns to look out for.
15 days post ovulation may seem early, but your body is no procrastinator!
If there is a growing baby in there, they’ve been implanted in your uterine lining for about a week already. [1]
At this stage, the baby is an embryo, with their cells steadily dividing, and some have even started burrowing deeper into the lining to start forming the placenta.
Around them, the amniotic sac is forming and they’re getting ready to build all the different systems they’re going to need in the big wide world.
How many DPO is considered late?
So you’re at 15 DPO, no period. Pregnant? Maybe.
15 DPO is technically the first day that your period is considered late.
Although there aren’t many women who have a clockwork four-week cycle, doctors work on the assumption that you ovulate between days 12 and 14 of your cycle.
After that, there’s the luteal phase, during which your body gears itself up to nurture a possible pregnancy.
This can last anything between 10 and 17 days, but the “normal” length is 14 days.
That means that by the time you’ve got to 15 DPO, you’re on cycle day 29 — and officially one day overdue for your period.
But there are also some women who have longer cycles — after all, they can range anywhere from 21 to 35 days, so 15 days post-ovulation may not be considered late for you.
That’s why it’s useful to track your period, so you know roughly what to expect.
Is 15 DPO too early to test?
Now for the big question: should you take a 15 DPO pregnancy test? Yes!
By 15 DPO, your body’s recognized that an egg has been fertilized, turned into an embryo, and implanted.
This also means that it has started producing the hormone hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) — this is what pregnancy tests detect, to determine whether you’re pregnant. [2]
This is what pregnancy tests will test to determine whether you’re pregnant.
Most home tests can pick up even tiny levels of hCG.
So by 15 DPO, a home pregnancy test is quite likely to give you a reliable result — which might mean a BFP (Big Fat Positive) if you’re pregnant.
When taking the test, follow the instructions as best you can. Usually, this means:
- Testing first thing in the morning when the hormones in your pee are most concentrated.
- Waiting for the right number of minutes before you read the result.
- Making sure that the test is in date and was stored correctly.
Remember that even if the line is really faint, it still could be a BFP.
If you test again in a few days, the line should get darker as your hCG levels rise.
If this doesn’t happen, or your 15 DPO positive pregnancy test is followed by BFNs (Big Fat Negatives), it might be worth getting a test with a healthcare provider, as there’s a chance you may have experienced an early pregnancy loss.
If the first 15 DPO pregnancy test result is a BFN, though, that doesn’t necessarily mean you’re not pregnant.
At 15 days post ovulation, it’s perfectly possible that your hormone levels just aren’t quite there yet, or that you ovulated a day or two later than you thought.
Hang in there, maybe try to take your mind off things, and take a test again in a day or two if your period still hasn’t put in an appearance.
What are the symptoms of 15 days pregnancy?
If you’re TTC, you’re probably symptom-spotting at 15 DPO.
You’re not alone!
Every twinge, smell, or just otherwise “weird” feeling could be 15 DPO symptoms of pregnancy.
But we’re saying “could” here, because these symptoms are so vague, they could also be PMS symptoms, PCOS symptoms, or just run-of-the-mill period symptoms — which can be especially tricky if you have irregular cycles.
The most common 15 DPO symptoms are:
Symptom | Why it happens | PMS or pregnancy? |
Spotting (light bleeding) | When a fertilized egg nestles into the uterine lining, a bit of light spotting can happen — this is usually down to rising hCG and progesterone levels. | More likely pregnancy (if light, pink, or brown) |
Cramping | If you’re pregnant, gentle cramping might be a sign of the embryo getting settled in your uterus. If it’s PMS, prostaglandins are the culprits, causing your uterus to contract as it preps for your period. [3] | Both |
Breast tenderness | Just before your period, estrogen and progesterone spike, often leaving your boobs sore and sensitive. If you’re pregnant, progesterone stays high to support the uterine lining, which can keep that soreness going. [4] | Both |
Fatigue | Progesterone has a naturally sleepy effect, which can make you feel drained whether it’s PMS or pregnancy. But if you’re pregnant, hCG joins in, and exhaustion can hit even harder. | Both |
Nausea | A pregnancy symptom we’re all aware of: the poorly-named morning sickness. In reality, pregnancy nausea can strike at any time, but you mind find it’s more often when your stomach is empty. | More likely pregnancy |
Headaches | Both PMS and early pregnancy can bring on headaches, thanks to fluctuating estrogen and progesterone levels. If you’re pregnant, hCG can add another headache trigger to the mix. | Both |
Frequent urination | In early pregnancy, increased blood flow means your kidneys are working overtime, and hCG can irritate your bladder, too. With PMS, you might find yourself peeing more if you’re drinking extra fluids to help with cramps or headaches, but it’s not as common. [5] | More likely pregnancy |
Bloating, gas, constipation | Progesterone slows down your digestive system, leading to that uncomfortable bloat. In pregnancy, this hormone stays higher to keep the uterine lining stable, meaning the bloating might stick around longer. | Both |
Mood swings | Hormones like estrogen and progesterone can play with your serotonin levels, which might lead to sudden mood changes. During PMS, it’s pretty standard, but early pregnancy mood swings can feel more unpredictable. [7] | Both |
Heightened sense of smell | Early pregnancy hormones can turn your nose into a super-sleuth, making everyday scents feel way more intense. PMS might sharpen your sense of smell a little, but it’s usually not as strong. | More likely pregnancy |
Mild pelvic or lower back pain | During PMS, prostaglandins cause your uterus to contract, and that pain can radiate to your back. In pregnancy, the ache might show up later on, as your uterus expands and ligaments start to stretch. | Both |
Insomnia | PMS hormones can mess with your sleep, and early pregnancy isn’t much better — shifting progesterone and cortisol (the stress hormone) can make it hard to get a full night’s rest. | Both |
Increased appetite or food cravings | Foods you loved, you might now hate, and you might get cravings for the strangest food combos. [8] | Both |
Increased vaginal discharge | In early pregnancy, you might notice more creamy or milky cervical mucus due to rising estrogen and progesterone. | More likely pregnancy |
Metallic taste | Some pregnant folks notice a weird, metallic taste in their mouth, often due to hormonal changes. | More likely pregnancy |
Increased BBT | If you’re tracking your basal body temperature (BBT), you might see it stay elevated past your expected period date, which can be a pregnancy sign. | More likely pregnancy |
Can implantation bleeding happen on 15 DPO?
Not really, no — implantation usually happens around 8-10 DPO, so if you’re spotting or bleeding at 15 DPO, it’s either your period or a subchorionic hematoma (something that can happen at any point in pregnancy).
But if it’s about the same heaviness as your usual period, it’s less likely to be implantation bleeding at 15 DPO — it’s more likely to be your period.
And if you notice some clots, heavy bleeding, and/or cramping, it may be an early pregnancy loss, like a chemical pregnancy.
If you’ve seen a positive pregnancy test this cycle and you notice some bleeding, check in with your doctor to find out.
If you need anyone to talk to who’s been there, you’re welcome to join us on Peanut — we’re having the conversation.
How do you feel 15 days after conception?
So there’s a huge range of potential 15 DPO symptoms, but some people don’t have any of them, some have the whole bunch, and others get a smattering of a few.
We asked our Peanut community to share their experiences at 15 DPO:
- “So today I am 15 DPO and due my period, I woke up this morning to very very light spots, scattered throughout the day. I’ve been asleep most of the afternoon. Could it be implantation or is too late?” — Michelle
- “I’m currently 15 DPO, was only due on yesterday. But I had lots of small cramps yesterday and some today also lower back pain and my boobs are the sorest I think they’ve ever been. I’m too scared to test.” — Lani
- “I’m two days late for my period now, and never late (15 DPO) and this morning BFN. Boobs aren’t sore anymore, BBT is down, but have some cramping, gassy, and back pain.” — Madison
- “15 DPO, my symptoms are different for example I was very crampy for the few days leading up to my expected period without my period actually starting.” — Courtney
- “I am 15 DPO, breast pain is at an 11. And they feel ‘full’. I spotted it around 3 days before my expected period, I went to the bathroom once, and it was light pink, and didn’t see it again after that. I have these cramps that aren’t a sharp pain like my normal period, it feels like a dull pain. I also very randomly had a metal taste in my mouth two days ago, so distracting to the point I had to stop my conversation — didn’t bite my tongue or cheek or anything so I don’t think it was blood. Every now and then I think I feel nausea.” — Karlie
- “I’m 15 DPO, I have been experiencing spotting, cramps, feels hot sometimes and feel tired and I was expecting my period but dint get it. My tests are negative…” — Shinnie
- “15 DPO, my cervix is high but firm. Cervical mucus is creamy. No AF symptoms. BFN test this morning.” — Kai
- “15 DPO — I have symptoms like nipple pain, cramps like AF, and mood swings. Maybe BBT is a little high. My AF is due tomorrow.” — Neha

Can you be 15 DPO with no symptoms?
Yes, you can be 15 DPO, pregnant, with no symptoms.
Sometimes it can be the start of a cryptic pregnancy — one with basically no symptoms for a long time!
But at 15 DPO (if you’re pregnant) you might have early symptoms — or you might be 4 weeks pregnant and feel completely normal.
A lot of women don’t have any symptoms at all until about six weeks in, when pregnancy nausea tends to step up.
So, if you’re symptom-free, take a breath.
There’s no link between how severe your symptoms are and how healthy your baby is.
So what are you waiting for?
Go and get a test or, if you’ve already got your 15 DPO BFP, congratulations!
➡️ Read next: 16 DPO: Symptoms, Signs & What to Expect