Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Third Trimester.
My back pain is awful due to previous spinal injury- what are people opinions on heated blankets or heated cuddle cushion ? Are they safe to use when pregnant? I was told hot water bottles are a big No 😕
I am starting to look for a pregnancy pillow, does anyone have any recommendations? Or do they all pretty much do the same job whichever one I get? Thanks! 🤩
Hi all 😊 any ideas on best pillow options? Having moments, I move a lot so it’s not easy to get one, any suggestions? ❤️
Hey ladies, Recommendations for thick maternity pads for after birth please? I have some adult nappies but also want thick pads for my underwear. I was recommended some asda one’s but they no longer sell them. Thanks!
When is everyone introducing a duvet and pillow or if you already have how is it going? Thanks
What tog in the love to dream swaddle should I get for baby born in feb? I’ve got 0.2 tog I think that will be too thin?
Maybe a silly question but I have no idea! When is everyone buying a pregnancy pillow and sleeping on your side? I’m 15 weeks now, First baby so not sure what/ when to do it!
Bought the bbhugme and it is superrrr comfy but rethinking as it’s a bit expensive. Anyone know any others just as good?
Can anyone suggest a good breastfeeding pillow please
What pillow should I get for my little ?
Hi all at my 16 week midwife appointment yesterday she said I defo need a pregnancy pillow. Have been getting pains in my hips and back. Feel overwhelmed when looking online. Is there any anyone recommends? TIA ☺️
I cannot for the life of me find a pregnancy pillow that doesn’t make my hips/pelvis/lower back WORSE! What is going on 😂 I’ve tried the ones in the pics. The Frida Mom one I just don’t understand at all, feels like it provides no support. The small one feels unreal but I wake up more sore than I would usually be.…
Desperate for a decent maternity pillow, the one I have is the huge one that is like a large “U” shape. It’s too big for me. I just want weight off my bump/hips and a back part to stop me rolling over so much. Any suggestions on tried tested successes? Thank you ♥️♥️
Hello, time for me to buy a pregnancy pillow. Do you have any recommendations? Not looking to spend more than £50. I don’t want a huge one but I need something that supports my back and inbetween my legs when I’m side sleeping. Also something that prevents me from rolling onto my back. Thank you!
I am 39 weeks and heading to a bestie’s local wedding. None of my nice shoes fit me, and I don’t want to be uncomfortable in heels anyways. This leaves me to wearing ugg boots (and knockoff ugg boots at that) with my dress. How bad is this…?
I think I’m going to need one of these soon! However I’m on a hunt to find one that’s not too expensive, and doesn’t take up the whole bed but is still super supportive 🤞🏼😍
Has anyone used the owlet sock is it reliable and does it work
Hi mums ☺️ searching for tried and tested pillows. Is there any that anyone would strongly recommend? Thanks so much
I’ve recently found out I was pregnant again and I was wondering if anyone could recommend a side by side pushchair. Or would it be a bad idea as my girl is will be over 2 and they’ll only use it for a nap or when they’re tired.
Hello! Does anyone have any pregnancy pillow recommendations? My back is beginning to give me grief so I know I need support at night, just wondering if anyone can recommend a good one?