What would you do?

If you don't have a car and you just got your taxes (say, for instance), would you use that to pay off your debt first and then get a car, or would you get a car first and then pay off your debt? What would you do?
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Car first, you can work more and have more opportunities if you have your own transportation. As long as your debt isn’t rent or home payments because a roof over your head is just as important

I would get a car first for more independence, work etc and then I would pay my debt.

How much is the debt? If not too large, just pay it & be done

Put some down on a car, Pay your payments to raise credit. Many ways to work with your car. ✨️🙏🏾

Get out of debt if you can. Then save for a car, the debt will only accumulate and inflation is making paying debt back harder so get rid of the debt.

If having no car is stopping you from working then maybe consider the car first. Otherwise I would always pay the debt first. Cars cost money to run and with the debt repayments the car just adds to your outgoings. If you are debt free first and then save for the car you won't be so stretched each month

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