Gift ideas for my midwives

My little one is coming out anytime now and I want to get the midwife’s a little gift basket Not sure if it’s better to be generic or snack related. Would appreciate ideas. Photo for attention and was gifted this ourselves. I think it’s a vibe.
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Wow! I was lucky to even see a nurse on the ward. After birth they had an emergency and we were left by ourselves for ages. I’m sure they will love it.

You don’t have to give them anything. Nurses / midwives aren’t really supposed to receive gifts. “nurses and midwives should refuse all but the most trivial gifts, favors, or hospitality” I wouldn’t bother with anything so fancy . I got mine just a wee chocolate box from hotel chocolate and my anaesthetic nurse one too. But that’s because I work with them occasionally. What they will like is a card. That’s always sweet . Maybe a shareable bag of sweets/ chocs for the team.

I'd say it's for the whole ward! As above, individually they wouldnt be able to accept gifts x Any sugary snacks would be a win x

Do you mean your midwife who’s been with you through pregnancy or who’ll be delivering your baby? Because if it’s the latter and you are using the NHS you’ll likely never have met that woman in your life before 😅 it’s a lovely thought though! I myself couldn’t tell you the name of the lady who helped me deliver not one but 2 of my babies (same one coincidentally but no time for niceties) 🤣 there just isn’t enough time! We are fortunate to run a local restaurant (about 5 mins from our hospital) and I sent vouchers for the restaurant to the maternity ward after giving birth with a note that had our babies births and our names on and to use the vouchers as they feel fit. They’re since placed several orders for take away and enjoyed a staff night out but I still haven’t met the lady that delivered my baby! Just hope she knows we sent the vouchers 🥲

Cakes, biscuits, tea, coffee, squash all go down well. Hand cream is also a god send because we wash our hands so often (someone dropped off mini hand creams one Christmas and the office was like kids in a sweet shop 😂). However cards mean a lot more. We have to revalidate every 3 years and have to evidence feedback from patients/colleagues and cards are easy to evidence and easy to keep for the memories

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