I don't really have any advice but we are in a similar boat - every meal at nursery has a pudding and it's generally something like a biscuit, cupcake, rice crispy cake etc. I know their portions are smaller then what we give at home but it's now at the point where he'll only eat half of his main and I suspect it is because he wants the sweet stuff :( He is also asking at home for it now and refuses if I offer an alternative. I am gutted as we have tried so hard to limit sugar but can't control what they give him when he is there unless we send a packed lunch every day (I don't want him to be left out and it also makes it easier for us if we just have to give a small supper before bed). Over £7 a day for a "balanced diet" :(
If the nursery made it, then likely it is a standard cake with cocoa powder and nothing more. If you are concerned, then you can always ask the nursery (via room worker or email), how often do they get cake or sweet treats? And then you can go from there as to whether you want to say you don't want him having cake so often or whether it was a special occasion and you are happy to leave it.
Totally a personal opinion! If you don’t want them having it then tell the nursery. But mother to mother, you’re going to have to start letting these things go or even introducing chocolate at home in a healthy way. If it becomes an off limit item they’ll only take advantage if they’re offered it elsewhere. And surely it’s better to have a healthy relationship with these sorts of foods and have them “available” in consideration than a no go food. I’ve found reduced sugar/sugar free “desserts” that I give my children (18 months & nearly 3 years) regularly regardless of whether they’ve finished their plates for instance as I don’t want to offer it as an award, it’s just part of their diet.
Yes you are over reacting sorry, it’s a piece of chocolate cake - likely a 1 off treat. If it was a regular occurrence in excessive amounts then that would different story and you’d be right to be frustrated. but I’m pretty sure at my sons nursery alongside home cooked meals they give a desert at dinner and tea and he’s happy and healthy. Everyone parents different of course but for the odd one off then I’d just let it go xx
I don’t think you are over reacting, it’s normal to be upset but it’s not the nursery fault. If you don’t want you LO eating sugar at nursery let them know. I restricted half of nursery’s menu for my son and they were really nice on accommodating my resquest. If my son eats any sugar, let’s say by mistake I would be okay, because he has a very healthy diet at home.
Thanks everyone! Totally mixed opinions I see haha. Just for clarification, it was a parent who’d bought it in as it was a child’s birthday. @Lizzie yeah I totally agree and like I said, I never restrict chocolate or anything sweet etc like that or make out like it’s something different, we just don’t really have it in the house and when we do, he’ll have bits of mine etc 😊 I didn’t say it was a no go food at all btw. I never have ‘desserts’ myself so it’s just not something I offer my child..any food he’s having for dinner, including sweet things like fruit or yoghurt which he loves, is always given with his meals.
@Polly if it becomes a regular thing then 100% bring it up then. Sounds like it was a one off and not something my nursery (or any other nursery I’ve heard of) encourage but I suppose if it’s there it’s a little treat for them 🤷🏼♀️ I always offer a fruit portion after my kids dinner but my eldest sometimes asks for chocolate, biscuits, ice cream etc. and I’ve never said no. The only time I say no is if she asks before a meal! It’s just a continuous battle of everything in consideration 😅
If you have told the nursery your boy can't have sweet things/chocolate/pudding, then they're in the wrong. Otherwise, I don't think they've done sth wrong.
My little one regularly has cake at nursery - it's always someone's birthday and they can bring it in from home! I don't worry as he has a very balanced diet at home. I wouldn't personally worry, unless you've expressed to the staff already that you don't want your little one to have things like that 🙂.