@Kayleigh I wasn’t even sure if I had the right to be pissed off x
@Jess you’re pissed off on behalf of your little girl so of course you do. It’s her that suffers and in my opinion, if he’s aware of what’s going on then there’s no excuse not to check in x
@Kayleigh Thankyou! No that’s exactly how I see it x
As Kayleigh said you are pissed off for your daughter because she deserves better. She deserves a father who will show up when she needs it and he clearly isn't that father. Sounds like your new partner is more of a dad to her than the sperm donor.
I feel this
@Elissa I whole heartedly agree with this! She deserves so much better and it’s such a shame that he doesn’t see how she deserves so much more than what he offers her x
@Aaammgg♥️♥️♥️ so annoyed for her 😔 x
Totally understand why you would be pissed off!