I've tried that here but either they don't message back, we talk for a little bit then they just stop messaging back after multiple attempts to try to keep it going even offered to drive to them over 2 hours away to meet and hang out to see if there could be a friendship there not only for me but for my bubba and they again stop talking to me (I guess they see it as desperate). Just one of those things I just kinda give up on now.
You're not alone. I feel like this a lot too. I go to 3 baby groups a week, use this app and still have no friends locally. I hope it just takes time and perserverence x
Unfortunately where I live doesn't have baby groups.
Hi sorry to hear you are feeling like this… it takes a lot to push through how you are feeling…but keep at it- it will get easier. If you don’t mind me asking- where you based?
I'm in the USA, Arkansas
I'm really sorry to hear this but you can fix it! Make your own village, find a group of friends, or even just one! Use this app to meet people close by for coffee, try baby classes, put yourself out there. It is hard, and it does take effort but it is possible and you can do it! Start small, message some people on here and just start a conversation. Message 10 people you like the look of (same location, hobbies, same age kids) and ask them about thier lives! Good luck! Xx