What am I entitled too?

I am currently claiming maternity allowance as I did not qualify for SMP for not working at my job long enough. I have tried to claim UC but was told my maternity allowance is too high and counteracts out my UC. I have also tried to apply for the sure start maternity grant but was told I am not entitled as I do not claim a qualifying benefit. Does anyone have any advice? TIA x
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Are you claiming child benefit? X

@Hayley yes I am x

It all goes on how much your household earns, try a benefit calculator such as entitled to x

Depending on your household circumstances, you should be able to claim the child element of UC alongside MA. I get maximum MA and get the child element of UC too. If you can claim the child element of UC, you can reapply for the sure start grant and you should get it. Again, depending on your personal circumstances. If you have a partner that you live with that works then you won’t be entitled to anything.

I’m experiencing the exact same thing I’m so stressed about the whole thing x

@Donna Woods it might be a silly question but how can I apply just for Childs element?

You just do the UC application. There is a question about other benefits received and you choose maternity allowance from the drop down box. They will then take off your MA pound for pound when they calculate your entitlement but leave the child element

I wasn’t allowed the child element either they minused everything x

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