Also look at how long you’ve been a citizen for and the eligibility times for the payment. :)
You’ll get paid the days you don’t work. Eg. If you claim parental leave Mon-Fri you can work Sat/sun You also have to meet the work test.
If you have a sole trader job (ABN) then it doesn’t matter how many hours you work/how much you make. You need to provide details about your business etc. but this automatically trumps your casual job and you can receive paid parental leave 😊
Yes. Assuming you meet the eligibility criteria, to get this payment you need to nominate days or blocks of time where you are taking care of your child AND not working. There is a lot of flexibility in how you select those days so you can eg work Monday-Friday and claim this payment for Saturday-Sunday if not working. I think you have 2 years from the birth of the child to use all your leave days. If your partner meets the eligibility criteria too, to get the most of the leave entitlements it's best if you both share the leave. Your partner wouldn't need to use up much of this so you'd still get most of it. Your partner can take this leave at the same time as taking another form of leave from work (like annual leave).
Thank you all so much. This really helps. So even if I’m still doing the sole trader job and earning $200 p/w, I would still be entitled to the full paid parental payment? I’m trying to work out if it’s worth me continuing with it or not. Thanks all! 😊
Yes but you would need to make sure you're not working on the days you claim the paid parental leave. This is the crucial bit. If the job requires you to eg work 5 days a week, then you can claim the paid parental leave for the remaining 2 (non-work) days. If the job involves you working 7 days a week, you'd be better off stopping the job so you can claim the paid parental leave (it's a higher income than your sole trader job) and you can resume your job after you've claimed all your leave. It all comes down to what days you work and don't work. How much income you make on a weekly basis is irrelevant.
Depends how much you are working. You can also choose what days to take off so you can work the sole trader job once a week on Monday and just take the leave pay for Tues-Friday for example.