Help!! Does anyone else suffer with this?

Helloooo, so I am 26, fairly active female. For a few years now I’ve been dealing with these tiny cuts, like tears that come up on the ‘hooded’ part of my vagina outside where the clit is. They come up randomly and last days to weeks. I haven’t had them in about 5 months I would say maybe longer. I’m not sure if it’s because I’ve recently started working out a lot more. I do not believe this is herpes- I have been to the doctors multiple times about it and the doctor has never thought it was herpes- a few have believed it’s caused by thrush and I’ve tried multiple creams that just don’t work. I have also noticed it usually comes up after I shave, when the hair starts to grow back. I would describe them like tiny paper cuts, they itch like mad sometimes due to them rubbing my underwear. They don’t resemble herpes whatsoever and I’ve never had clusters or blisters down there either. Me and my partner have had intercourse many times when I’ve had them too and he has never showed signs of it being contagious or spreadable. Help! I just don’t know what the hell this is- I have even seen a dermatologist and she believes it may have something to do with my psoriasis as I have such sensitive skin but even she couldn’t be sure😭
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They’re called lesions. I get them too. Mine are due to a chronic yeast infection (I think) and I’m going back to the gyno tomorrow.

@Madeline thankyou so much for your reply!! So kind of you to give me a answer I really appreciate it x Do you get them reoccurring as well? Sorry to ask you a lot of questions but how did you manage to get a gyno appointment as well as my docs are useless!

@Madeline so sorry I don’t mean to be a pain but I had a quick Google search and the lesions that come up don’t look like what I have, mine are like a couple of tiny thin tears, sometime bleed if irritated, but resemble very small paper cuts😫

Idk, lesions is what my doctor called mine. It matches what you described. My docs are mostly useless too. This is my fourth visit about the problem. I’m finally just going back to the OB who handled my pregnancy. Shs actually listens. I also have an autoimmune disease. Mine is diabetes and makes me susceptible to yeast infections. I’m hoping to convince her to give me a low dose antifungal pill to take daily. Hydrocortisone cream has provided short term relief for the itching and irritation, but I’ve been advised not to rely on it too much as your skin can get addicted to it. Mine are recurring as well, with no clear triggers.

Have you tried using a basic vaginal moisturiser? Could it be vaginal atrophy? Directly linked to hormones which around pregnancy are obvious more erratic

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