If you have any more detailed questions about all that feel free to message me😊
I would look at some templates I also recommend a Plan A and Plan B
Following because I know nothing
@Madeleine this is so helpful advice because I’ve been struggling with this also and this gets you thinking about it more in depth than what others may suggest
Your birth plan should cover preferences like if you want an epidural/Pitocin (absolutely not vs. maybe, vs. absolutely yes), a natural birth, do you want to be able to be Mobile, what type of pain management technique you want to utilize (rebozo scarf, counter pressure, water, pregnancy ball, walking, TENS machine, messages, ect), and other forms of comfort (music, tv, breathing techniques, affirmations, ect). It can be a lot which is why I always recommend a doula for your first, but if not you can find birth plan template online to fill out. I suggest looking at all the birthing styles and techniques to decide which one you feel would make you the most comfortable. Every woman is completely different on what they like and what helps them during labor. There’s also the after-birth portion of your birth plan which goes over placenta, skin to skin, breastfeeding, cord cutting, vit K, vaccines, newborn screening, babies first bath, ect.