
Hi I was just thinking what contraception is everyone on and your experiences? I have recently been in the pill I think microginon how ever you spell it but it was awful. I have also been researching different kinds and how long it takes after for fertility to come back. Just want to know how your feeling on contraception mood wise body wise etc? Thanks
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I was on the contraceptive combined pill mercillon (idk how to spell it) my mood never seemed in a massive dip or or a massive high just stable, some people gain weight being on it but I never did I was on it from 16 up until 19 consistently I was mainly on it to stop my periods so can’t comment on the fertility returning side of things I last took it July 2024 and fell pregnant in August/September 2024 if that helps though 🤷‍♂️

I’m on the patch and have been for almost 4 months now, think it’s great and had no issues x

Omg I was on microgynon about a year ago before I fell pregnant, and I can agree with you when you say it’s awful. Sorry I don’t have any recommendations right now as I’m still due to go back onto contraception, but honestly I think I’m just going to try another pill as I’ve had friends tell me certain contraceptive pills have been good. I’ve heard Yasmin contraception is good but haven’t actually tried it. Good luck on finding one that’s right for you!! x

Currently on the pill different name but sure it's the same or similar to microgynon and honestly I find myself more irritable and a bit low on it. I took it previously from 16-24 and it took me 2 years to concieve my first daughter. After I had her I had the implant which I got on with better however it made me gain weight. When I had that removed though I got pregnant 6 months after (didn't make it sadly) and then 11 months after that. I preferred the implant but think a lot of women's contraception is awful x

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