It’s good to have a plan
For me i have a birth plan, delayed clamping untill the cord turns white and stops pulsing. Don't take the baby out of sight of mommy and daddy. Delayed bathing untill she or he goes home to bathe. No vaccines ect if u want. Natural birth. No epidural ( so they avoid asking it to respect ur wishes of a natural birth if that is what ur seeking). Ect pintrest has birth plan outlines u can use and print off too.
I sat down with the birth planner and made a plan while also starting paperwork and signing which was helpful considering signing and filling out paperwork is the last thing on your mind. However, nothing during my first labor went according to plan so it’s nice to have but know things can change quickly and you have to go with the flow sometimes
@Kay-Lee thank you!
I had a plan and none of it worked out but it at least made me feel more prepared and less stressed having it.
@Nour oh Wao this is so helpful thank you you so much!
I made a birth plan simply to eliminate a lot of day of decisions. So it reflects my thoughts on who I am comfortable with in the room, cord clamping, birthing preferences, bath delay, etc. The important thing is to know that it might not go exactly how you plan so be prepared to be flexible but having one is helping me feel less stressed about the coming day because I don't have to make so many decisions.
It’s absolutely optional! My plan is to do whatever it takes to get this baby out as swiftly as possible. My home plan is where it’s really at. Sushi, margs, and solitude (except for baby and hubby ofc) If you’ve feel more relaxed going in with a set plan go for it!