Please DO NOT use monzo! Scamming rotten pricks closed my bank account for ZERO reason and left me with no money for a whole week even when I explained I’m a single mum they said ‘go to a food bank’.
Elena, I work for Monzo and there is ALWAYS a reason why your account would be closed. Legally, we just can't tell customers why
@Elena girl you don’t even need to say anymore. I know 3 people personally whose accounts got closed down by Monzo for absolutely no reason at all. None. 2 of my close friends and my husbands brother. All with steady incomes. Constant flow of money and several direct debits. No reason whatsoever for their accounts to be closed down. my husbands brother just had a newborn baby and they stopped access to his money and suddenly closed it. Before Monzo he was with Lloyds for 13yrs and regretted changing. If they say there was a reason they closed peoples accounts the only reason we can think of is that they want customers with an income of 5K or above 🤣 ridiculous.
If you think any other bank would treat you differently following an account closure then I have bad news for you 😅 No bank would tell you the reason for closure. There is always a reason
@Ellie-Mae at least they would communicate and not laugh down the phone quite literally at the fact my child had no formula..
@Elena I'm sure Monzo did communicate as far as allowed legally. And if you where laughed at on the phone, I hope you raised a complaint 👍
@Ellie-Mae raised a complaint and they told me that they handled it fine and there’s nothing to be done. I got my money back thankfully but the 12,000 on the Facebook page who got their accounts closed with sometimes over £10,000 in their accounts are waiting months/years down the line.
@Elena Then maybe folk shouldn't use their accounts in such ways that will warrant it being closed 🤭
@Ellie-Mae I dunno why you’re backing a company that wouldn’t care less if you weren’t around.. will never understand that. Monzo are notorious for doing this. I wouldn’t wanna stand up for a company so shit.
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@Elena Make no mistake, as an employee I of course have had gripes with them and various things I am arguing to better, at a back end stand point. However, customers crying about accounts being closed for "no reason" really isn't something I'd consider giving up the tasty wage that accommodates my families lifestyle 😅 Can anyone say they work for an entirely ethical company that hasn't caused some form of inconvenience to employee or customer? I doubt it
I am backing Monzo from the angle of which customers seem to think they can use a neo bank however they'd like and everything fly under the radar. And as soon as they're found out, it's "Monzo closed my account for no reason"
@Ellie-Mae I’m not gonna argue with you because you’re so far up their arses clearly. I wouldn’t care if I was paid a million pounds I wouldn’t work for someone who let children starve and laugh at it. I didn’t do anything wrong I got my wages paid in and spent them as I wanted. I never had large amounts coming in and out. I then only received MA in and out and was spending hardly anything because I couldn’t afford it. Never done anything to warrant my account being closed.
@Elena No arguing here, just facts that Monzo do not close accounts for no reason. I deal with customers like yourself every shift and there is always a reason. The complaints team are also heavily on the customers defence (not sure if you're aware of how much a complaint costs, but it's a lot) So if they STILL found us not at fault, then 💁♀️ I'm not up any companies arse 😂 if anything, I'm up my own and I certainly do not bite the hand that feeds 😂
@Cath ignore the above and be locked out your bank account and be without your money! Fab advice.. especially when she’s said it’s happened to her own family 😂
@Elena pipe down hen, we get it, you didn't use your account properly and can't take responsibility 😂
@Ellie-Mae it’s actually hilarious because like I’ve explained I didn’t I get money from my wages or MA and I spend it on my child. Nothing else.