Maternity allowance

Hi all, I have a baby due 1st May and have applied for maternity allowance almost 2 months ago now. However have still not received anything. This is the second month i have gone without. My partner and I are on a joint claim. He works full time on minimum wage and our rent is 935 a month. and I don't have any income at all. Has anyone experienced this before? I honestly don't know how I'm going to get through another month
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They can back pay you either 8/12 weeks I’m sure! So I’d definitely ring up because once it goes past this you’ll not receive any extra!x

Have you called them?

I remember getting my maternity allowance the date I put down the start of my maternity leave. You say your baby is due 1st May, did you want your MA to start from then or earlier? It usually begins when you go on maternity leave. It’s worth giving them a call to clarify this with what date you wanted it to start.

@Frayere I called them last month and they told me that the money will be in my account the 10th of March. I got my statement from them today and it says £0.

@Anisa it's hard to say because I was on a casual contract for work so I don't get maternity leave.

@Beth i hope so! I called them last month regarding this and they told me the money will be in my bank account the 10th March. I got my statement from them today which says they're giving me £0. I'm just so frustrated honestly

Did you know that maternity allowance is taken £ for £ out of universal credit? So if you get £400 maternity allowance, £400 will be deducted from your Universal credit. What date did you put on the maternity allowance forms for your maternity to start?

@Andrea yes, they told me it would be deducted but it still doesn't make any sense to me. As my partners income is below the threshold. I can't quite remember the date I wanted my maternity to start. But I was told on the phone that the money would be in my account this week.

Did you get your text/letter from maternity allowance saying what you’re eligible for and how often they will pay it etc?

@Chloe, MA comes in every Friday, as far as I know. So maybe it will come in on the 14th, which is the Friday of the week commencing 10th March? Did you receive a letter from them confirming when your MA will start and how much you are entitled to?

@Frayere they just told me that my maternity allowance will be amongst my uc

@Chloe that sounds like you aren’t actually receiving it then? I’m a bit confused by that

@Frayere I'm just so confused because it says I'm entitled to 617 a month but on my statement it says I'm receiving £0 this month?

@Frayere yeah, they told me it'll be reducted from my UC? I haven't had any payment for 2 months. I called them today and they told me that they're going to process it quick for me because I has to make a change to my claim? I just hope I don't have to wait another month

@Chloe that’s baffling, I think it just hasn’t been processed properly. Because MA & UC are separate, so MA will show on your universal credit statements but it doesn’t get paid from them, it gets paid in from DWP. Hopefully they will backdate you.

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@Frayere I hope so! I'm so annoyed with chasing after them all the time. They didn't mention backdating me either

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