I work full time. I have a good work life balance but not sure if it is because I WFH. My Children are in childcare two days a week and my MIL takes my children 2/3 days a week. My mum would take my children the one day my MIL doesn’t have them. I WFH so I can occasionally do household chores during my lunch break. Obvs clothes washing is a great candidate as I can put a load on before I start work and hang them up during lunch. I keep my children in childcare 2 hours after I finish work. So that gives me 3-4 hours to get the house in order. I have no guilt because I see it as I am 100% mummy at the weekends and only need to do minimal chores at the weekend. My children go to bed at 8 & 9:30 so do feel like I am seeing them for a while each night as well.
I do get loads of photographs both from nursery and from our parents. When my mum comes they are in our house as well so I get to see them at lunch time.
I'm went back full time, as I took on a new role after MAT. In the future, I would like to reduce a day. My manager is very understanding, and that gives me some flexibility. I do feel I am missing some time with my LO as we used to spend all day together, but my partner and I take turns, so days where have to work a little longer, he picks him up earlier and they have some quality time together and on the weekend we spent time as a family. We do unfortunately not have family around, so my LO is in nursery 5 days a week
I went back full time but condensed my full time hrs so I work longer hrs but only 4 days. I work from home anyway so it’s not too bad. You can ask if you can condense your hours, mine was a flexible working request x
I work full time, 3 days office & 2 days WFH. Im 6 months into it and now starting to find the balance, it can be hard but once you nail a good routine it falls into place. Hardest bit for me is only seeing my LB for an hour before&after work on my two office days but it just it what it is in our situ & i make up for it at the weekends❤️
@Sara we have no families around so my little one will be in nursery 5 days a week too if I go for this full time position.
It’s a struggle at the beginning when you’re getting used to the routine and I personally find by 2pm I’m ready for snuggles, but got a flexible working request approved so I work 8.30-4 with a shorter lunch rather than 9-5 which helped massively - that extra hour in the afternoon means the world to me. I don’t have much of a social life outside of her, but I’ve found I’m not massively interested in it (I’m a hermit at heart lol). Just make the most of the weekends!
I am back full time. But 2 days a week I work at my parents with my boy downstairs. And the other days he’s at his other grandparents or nursery. If I had to work in the office full time I would find it hard and really miss my boy. I think bing with grandparents 4 days helps. But not sure how I’d feel about 5 days full time nursery. But only because my boy hates nursery! If he loved it I’d think differently. Opportunities to work from home help loads in this day and age… it takes the pressure off from the days when you do have to drop them off then drive to work.
I am back at work full time as I couldn't afford the drop in salary to go part time. Its not ideal, id ideally like to drop one day but we've gotten into the routine well. My daughter is really happy at nursery and she's with her grandma 2 days a week. At weekends I prioritize time with her because it's the only days I have with her, I do do things with friends but not often, so that side of my life suffers somewhat.