Gov funded childcare and tax free childcare

Hi all, Is anyone really savvy with gov funding/ tax free? I’ve done it all before with my son who’s now at school so I understand the process etc, but I’m wondering about the following. I was made redundant just before my daughter was born in December 2023 and am in the process of looking for work now. I have a few interviews lined up and hopefully something will come up soon. I was under the impression that I wouldn’t qualify for gov funded (15 hours) and the tax free childcare until I’d been in employment for 3 full months but now I’m wondering if that’s the case and if I’ve made that up!? Anyone know if I stated work soon assuming the salary/hours were enough to qualify, how soon I would receive the funding? I seemed to have signed my daughter up to start at the most expensive nursery ever so every little helps 😂
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Can i ask how much is the nursery per day? i need to start looking 🫣

It’s basically £105 a day or £75 for a half day 🤢 these are just ah hoc prices and it works out a bit cheaper if you have set days. But I’m basically looking at £450 a month just for 1 day!! I’m based in Surrey, it’s ridiculous. With the 15 hours free it’ll be about half of that and then 30 hours in September will be a massive discount! The nursery my son went to was about £94 a day

this is crazy amount of money…we are in London much would that be here then…🥴

@Vanesa have you considered a childminder? They’re much cheaper as they have less overheads.

@Marie Yes, he will go to a childminder from May..but i thought at some point he needs to go to nursery..or they can stay until reception to childminder?would they learn the same stuff?

I think it depends on your preferences, I always wanted a nursery but that’s purely because my friend’s parents were childminders when we were growing up and their house was pure carnage. They used to just cart them round in the car all day running errands. I’m sure a lot has changed since then, we’re going back 20 years 😂 it just put me off! My son’s just at school now and I definitely think a proper pre school environment once they’re 3 is massively helpful. He was in a ‘nursery/pre school’ where there was very little focus on learning and he’s struggled with the academic side of things. But again it’s totally dependent on the child, I don’t see why they couldn’t stay with a childminder until school.

@Vanesa they can. It depends on the childminder as to what they’d learn maybe, but they all have to follow the early years curriculum. My son is at a childminder and the plan is that he’ll go to the school nursery/pre-school in September with the childminder doing the wrap around car.

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