Rant...Not enjoying work

I feel ungrateful complaining about this because on paper I have a sturdy job, work from home and on a good salary. But after giving birth I just can't get my head into it. I just don't care about it at all and really resent having to send my little one away 5 days a week to do it. I feel miserable most days until I pick my lo up. The reality is I have a mortgage to pay for and now a family to provide for. I know I should count myself lucky but just struggling a bit. Any tips for motivation, or ways to stop wishing the week away/living for the weekend? 😩
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Could you do condensed hours and work 5 days in 4 so you have an extra day at home? Sorry you are finding it tough. I find on work days I miss my daughter and then Monday night rolls around and I'm looking forward to going back to work on Tuesday morning!

I'm so sorry you're in that position and sorry I'm no help. I'm in a similar situation too. I'm miserable and I just want to be with my little boy. I'm currently off work sick as I'm struggling with my mental health now. Trying to find other options that will mean I get more time with my son or at least be closer

I feel exactly the same, WFH 3 days a week but have to commute and stay away for the other 2, I HATE it and it gives me so much mum guilt!

What about having a nanny looking after him so he can be more at home and you get to see your LO more often during the day even though you are working? I know nannies can be more expensive, but maybe you are happier this way? I'm just suggesting. I hope you find a way!

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