I'm so sorry you're in that position and sorry I'm no help. I'm in a similar situation too. I'm miserable and I just want to be with my little boy. I'm currently off work sick as I'm struggling with my mental health now. Trying to find other options that will mean I get more time with my son or at least be closer
I feel exactly the same, WFH 3 days a week but have to commute and stay away for the other 2, I HATE it and it gives me so much mum guilt!
What about having a nanny looking after him so he can be more at home and you get to see your LO more often during the day even though you are working? I know nannies can be more expensive, but maybe you are happier this way? I'm just suggesting. I hope you find a way!
Could you do condensed hours and work 5 days in 4 so you have an extra day at home? Sorry you are finding it tough. I find on work days I miss my daughter and then Monday night rolls around and I'm looking forward to going back to work on Tuesday morning!