Universal credit and Maternity leave

Hi mums quick question. I'm 5 months pp and I'm on maternity leave. O have been receieving wafes and UC as a top up. 'm planning to take the full year off and my wages will stop being paid from the 9 month I think? Will UC step in and help out for those few 3 months when I don't get wages? Or will my UC stop as it'll be as I'm not receiving a wage. Sorry for the long text. Tia xx
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Uc will see SSP or MP as income so it’s deducted. But afterwards I’m fairly certain they will pay in full (whatever you’re entitled to before deductions)

Sorry no answer but Following as I would like to know the same x

Yes! As soon as your maternity pay stops, you need to let them know ☺️

Interested to know too my statutory kicks in this month so pay drops by about £600 pm for next 3 months then £0 after that hoping I can claim so can stay off the full year can’t live just off hubby’s wage

Following as well, I’ve been on maternity leave for 4 1/2 months and has finally hit SSP i was getting £1779 on my monthly wages and now im down too £736 have no clue what to do or who to talk to lol x

@Shannon I thought so but wasn't sure. Thanks so much x

@Diana Ah ok thanks so much x

@Shannon I’m feeling the same I don’t want to have to go back early as will have to pay full price for nursery so no better off. I had to go back at 9 months with my son as the year wasn’t a thing then and it was so hard we’ve waited so long for baby 2 want to enjoy my time with her

@Lana I know they offer upto 85% of childcare back for working parents

@Lana This is the dilemma. Maybe give UC a ring and check if you can have any assistance x

@Shannon Same. The drop in wages is huge right. See if you can get any help before wages fully stop x

I get 12 months paid leave, but the drop in pay from the first three months to now is ridiculous.

Yeah you will get full payment uc what you should be entitled to when wages stop, you’ll be getting drabs of it now while your still getting a wage so your prob not seeing the full amount. You can check your amount your entitled to if your unsure on your online account

When it drops to like less than a thousand income wages you will more likely see your full amount uc when I hit 6 months with my uc top up it should take me to near enough my monthly wage just slightly less, when hit 9 months I’m only entitled to the uc payment which is basically half my wage but I won’t get anything else, if you haven’t applied for a sure start grant you can get £500 for a child before 6 months if you haven’t had that payment before so maybe so that and keep it so it helps you out if haven’t already

@Jade oh ok that's a relief to know as I really want to take the full year off. Thanks x

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