Contact your local assembly persons office and they will help you! That’s what I had to do and I had my money within 1.5weeks
Paid family leave takes forever, disability is fairly quick so idk why paid family leave takes way longer. As long as it's pending I wouldn't worry, mine didn't get approved until my leave was almost over but if your in more need of having your money you can pay $10 to have someone get you connected to EDD because it's impossible to get through, I'm sure if you google it you will find the service that helps
Call edd
I tried to call but they don’t have a hold line they just say it’s busy call back. How do I find the assembly office?!
@Carlin Kinlow just google “local assembly member for (your city)” and the number is there. Tell them your situation and they will send you a form. They have a direct member for Edd who can contact them about your case and get it expedited
It took mine about 2 months to process!
I applied Dec 9th. Excited to see my check coming in mail today. 😊
My husband tried calling multiple times a day, every day for like two or three weeks. We live 1.5 hours from the office in Fresno so he just drove there and got help in person. They said his application was all good, just pending. Everything was resolved that day and the money was in his account by the end of the week. It is absolutely insane to me that it took him driving to the office to get it moving. Before we saw how close the office was, he also reached out to our assembly member but I don’t recall if we ever got a response.
I also didn’t have any luck until I went in person to an office. Called numerous times and never got through to someone. But when I went in person was able to talk to someone within 5 minutes and they resolved it quickly. Unfortunate it took that, but recommend if you can make it to an office
@Carlin KinlowOn the EDD website after you log in where it says it’s still pending click on your claim ID number and on that page click on request claim update. Click anything on the drop down it gives you and in the message box ask why it’s still pending. . I had to do that and I got my money couple days later.
Amazing! I’m going to try and go in tomorrow then. This was all super helpful
I paid $10 for a robocaller online “call EDD” and it called like 400+ times before I got through. Highly recommend it and saved me a drive to Fresno + was able to get all of my money as they said they were about to deny my claim for unresponsiveness (ironic)
Call and confirm the R number sometimes it’s delayed because they don’t have it or it’s pending but if you get someone they’ll process it on the phone