Loads of families who even both couples work full time are entitled to UC. Check the website ‘entitled to’ and do the calculator, it will tell you what you’re entitled to if you’re entitled to UC.
We’re in this situation! I was made redundant in November. We don’t qualify for any benefits due to my partner’s earnings (but I was the breadwinner so we are still massively struggling without my income!). We’ve lost all the government funding. It ends for us in March.
Just to add in terms of what we’ve done - kept him in nursery. He’s only in 2 days a week but he had just settled and was doing so well, we didn’t want to disrupt that, especially when he would have to go back in when I find a new job. Didn’t want to lose his place as you say! My savings are going to disappear pretty quickly once the funding ends and we have to pay full fees.
Thanks girls. I need to reconfirm for TFC/ the 15 hours in a couple of weeks so not ideal timing at all. But it sounds like they’ll need to go through a consultation period before officially making him redundant so we’re hoping that can be drawn out to beyond the re confirmation date
Just wanted to offer my support as we were in a similar situation. I was made redundant whilst I was on maternity leave. My little one was meant to be in nursery for 3 full days but we reduced it to 3 mornings so we could afford to pay the bill for a few months whilst I found work. We didn't qualify for any benefits. I've managed to find some freelance work which should hopefully tie me over until the 30 'free' hours kicks in and I will be able to find a job with more regular hours. It's such a shit situation, I was really surprised how little help there is! You will get through this x
Sorry to hear this. If it’s consultation period then it’s definitely going to be longer than 2 weeks. So you can reconfirm and you have 3 months. In my work after that everyone was working their notice period - if your husbands is 3 months then you might even be able to re confirm again. If he can work freelance before he gets new job he could try that - threshold to qualify for help with childcare is low. X
It won’t take effect until you have to reconfirm. But also if you reduce down to 3 days, you won’t automatically get those 5 days back as they can fill the place