Make money today

I’m trying to figure out what our other moms doing to make money. I have a full-time job but I’m not getting paid enough. My phone bill is about to be late. I’m about to have my phone turned off. Utility is already late. what is everybody doing to make money?
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Can you donate plasma? I also started my travel agent business to help my income.

@Kamille I have once the last two times I try to go. They said there was something missing or I didn’t have enough of something in my blood. I don’t really remember what the heck it was some medical term.

Are there any opportunities for promotion at work? Or can you look around for a better-paid job?

@Daychanell drink plenty of water and try to eat something before you go in. I usually go in the mornings so I would get a sausage burrito from McDs and eat that before I go in and drink a bottle of water. My numbers are usually good, the only time I have issues is around my cycle weeks.

I messaged you

@Sophie no I just started working here and haven’t been here for a year yet

@Sophie and yes I am looking currently also cause the job I have now doesn’t work with my kids schedule anymore

Can you make a payment plan with your phone company? Also with your utility bill there may be resources in your area( especially for electricity). Door Dash you can make money the same day and have your kiddos with you just pack snacks and things to keep them entertained.

@Tiara I haven’t talk to my phone company, but the bill is already been late. I used to have energy assistance. It had got discontinued the assistance group that I was with, but I have apply for a different one, but when you apply, it says it could take their staff up to 55 days to get you approved or not and I used to DoorDash, but I was wasting more gas and I wasn’t making enough to put back into my tank or the money that I will make. We have to go immediately back into my tank. I used to do shipt which was great, but then they closed my account because people weren’t rating me.

@Daychanell Gotcha! Still apply for the energy assistance regardless because it can still be beneficial for the near future to allow you more breathing room. Are you apart of a church? If so, call their office and ask for assistance. If not, churches in your area may be able to assist with your rent, electricity, water, sewer bill or they will be able to point you in the right direction.


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