You will end up losing access to government services all together if you’re caught being fraudulent. Which you will get caught because when you go to apply elsewhere they’ll see you have a case opened in another state and when they ask “so you’ll be transferring food stamps as well” and you say no. They will ask why and if you lie about it they will note it your lie in your file. And if after sometime you still have services in two different states they will remove you and fine you. Depending on how bad the fraud is they jail people so. Think about your kids and not your mom. If she needs food you can always put in a small order for her. Or she can apply for food stamps herself if she can’t pay for groceries herself.
Cancel both. But if you login into your food stamps portal you can turn the out of state lock on/off. So if your new card doesn’t work for your mom turn the block off online and she can use it. You can also use it to shop online and she pick it up or have it delivered depending on where she shops.
This is how you loose your food stamps. There are people who’s job it is to specifically investigate for welfare Fraud. Just cancel both.
Even if you don’t cancel they will see you moved and move all your benefits to the new state where you are applying. I wouldn’t cancel because in my case having an open file meant they had to approve me in the new state without a new application process and questions. I was guaranteed the benefits for the rest of that year before having to reapply
Cancel both.. you will end up with a fraud case.