I'm due 14th July and not taking mat leave until I'm 38 weeks i am taking a week annual leave from 37 weeks so I can have some me time before the baby comes.
I’m due July 2nd and thinking the end of May, gives me plenty of time for myself before baby comes!
I'm taking leave from 37 weeks by taking a few weeks Annual Leave and then my mat leave starting from my due date if I make it that far.
Im due 6th July. Taking mat leave from 1st July. But using up hols beforehand.
Due 10th July, taking mat leave a month before to help myself relax and take a hypnobirthing course and rolling my holidays over to next year as I’ll need them to easy myself into work with two little ones.
Due 17th but probably stop work 11th, I work from home mostly so can have a few days to prepare 😂 will see what happens though as plans always change
My first was due 3rd Jan and I took mine from the 1st Jan, and took annual leave over Christmas. This time I think I’ll go from my due date and go on annual leave beforehand if I’m too uncomfortable (I can WFH)
I'm due 31st of July - but have quite generous leave policy so I have my full 30 days of leave to use between now and then. Plan on taking leave from 1st of July, and MAT leave starting the 21st of July 🥰
I’m due 9th July and planning to break up on 20th June
Due on 7th July, and told work that I'll go on Mat 2 weeks before on 23rd June. But that all depends on how I am when I get further along, and if they allow me to WFH
I’m due on the 21st July. Taking two weeks of annual leave before then and Mat leave to start on my due date.
I’m due 2nd July and going on leave on 26th May as it’s the half term (teacher)
Due on the 10th July and officially start mat leave the 3rd but need to take 3 days annual leave to active my mat leave so 27th June is my last day at work
I'm due 11th July but not finishing work until the end of June is the plan. I can wfh which will probably help towards the end.
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C-section booked for 7th July and work Mon-Wed so going to finish on 2nd and then go from then (teach so can’t use holiday to tag on to mat leave) though I guess that makes my first official day of mat leave the 7th
I’m due 12th July and not planning to start mat leave until 10th July unless baby comes early. I work from home so I’ll be taking it easy those last few weeks anyway
Due 22nd July planning to start official mat leave from 7th but will take leave mid June to go off earlier :)
I finish work the day before my due date (in self employed)
I’m due the 26th July- taking two weeks holiday from the 14th which takes me right to due date!! If you give birth during your holiday may leave starts and holiday gets carried over!! I dont have a stressful job at all and WFH 90% of the time. I just wants some me time before baby arrived and time to panic buy anything I’ve forgotten!!
I’m due 11th July, and my plan is to start beginning of June. I commute 2 hours into London so dealing with tube and trains won’t be much fun. But also beginning of June fits nicely with deadlines at work. I’m also planning on the first couple of weeks to be taken as holiday and then start Mat leave, just to give me as much time off after.