Most places have you sign a paper consenting to see all providers of the practice as anyone of them could end up birthing your child so it’s best to become as familiar with all of them as possible
It doesn't make a super big difference usually because all of your provider's notes are shared with everyone but if you have specific wishes you can have a birth plan written out beforehand to give whoever ends up with you on labor day 😆
In the UK it’s extremely rare to ever actually meet the person who’s going to deliver your baby. You’re never assigned a particular person, it’s just literally whoever is on shift and not already with someone else that day.
@Annika goodness I don’t really like any of the other ones especially aiming to try and have a vbac!
@Macdalia that makes sense I guess since my last birth was scheduled then I already knew what doctor I would have.
@Olivia I guess im just so weird im probably over thinking it but yea that makes sense thank you
@Sarah yea that makes sense I had a c section so my first was scheduled with a specific person. But now I’m having a vbac so it’s different
I don't even know if I have a primary OB lol where I go, they have us meet with every provider so that way we'll be comfortable (hopefully) with whoever is on call that night. You just go when you're in labor and hope you're comfortable with who is on call 😅