Shorter cycles?

My last 6 months of periods have looked like this: Oct- period lasted for 6 days, 21 days then another period. Nov- period lasted for 7 days, 23 days then another period Dec- period lasted for 7 days, 21 days then another period Period lasted 8 days, 21 days then another period Jan - period lasted 7 days, 19 days then another period (just finished 7 days long) Why is my cycle so short? Would I likely be ovulating? Does this affect ttc chances? I’ve only just realised and looked back to see it’s been like this. I have a 2 yr old and still partially breastfeeding if that info is helpful? Any clues?? 😩😩
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Is the 21 / 23 days being counted from the end of your previous period to when you start your next, or is it total cycle length (ie. From day 1 of previous period)?

I’m 34 and yes from when period ends to start of the next

@Ang I was on it for 14 years and it messed my body up so much trying to conceive our first.. I just don’t want to do it to my body again. Planning on making a drs appt to get things checked up just thought I’d ask in case anyone else had the same thing

Your cycle is counted from day 1 of your period. Based on your days mentioned, your cycle is 27 - 30 - 28 - 29 - 26 days long. This isn’t particularly short

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