Honestly, I find staying in so much easier. I go out as and when I need. It's too hard to get out the door most days
I really wouldn’t put so much pressure on yourself to go out everyday. There’s nothing wrong with having a few days at home. I go to one baby class a week and two days a week my toddler doesn’t go to nursery so on those days I try to do something but other than that we might go for a walk or just have a chill day because it’s just needed. After half term I’m going to start taking my LG to a small soft play near me when my son’s at nursery and I might see a few friends but as long as she’s happy then that’s all that matters. I’m sure you’re doing everything for your LO so try to ignore the mum guilt while I know that’s hard to do! We all get it x
Thanks girls. We get out every weekend and there's a weekly visit to my in laws (😫😂) but I just feel guilty sometimes for wanting to stay at home. Every keeps telling me to enjoy mat leave and I am I just feel like it's not what I pictured. I have struggled to make any mum friends apart from a chat with one or 2 on a baby class. It's just so difficult x
I haven't made any in person mum friends and don't go out to any classes or groups 🤣 it's too much with 2 under 3. I am at home with my boys most weekdays and then we go out as a family at the weekends. There's so much you can do at home with your baby that doesn't cost anything and are just as fun as going out, plus it gives baby complete 1:1 just with mummy and they love that just as much as classes and things! X
I love getting out the house and sometimes I just take her for a little walk around the neighbourhood to walk around if I have no reason to go anywhere but I do that more for my mental health. I actually feel guiltier sometimes taking her round shops because she's strapped into her pushchair as opposed to potentially learning new skills being free at home
Literally stay in all week because I don’t have time to go out and get back for the school run 😂 we go out on weekends if my little boy wants to go somewhere - no baby classes around where I live as I don’t drive! So nothing by close! Either 2 buses away or a good hour walk!
I don’t always go out everyday, I hear you! I’m a home bird too! And making the most of being at home during this time as it’s a sweet memory for me! How about you go for a walk rather than thinking of where to go all the time, just leave your house with bubba for 20 mins to catch some air then come home
I'd say you aren't alone, but where's the guilt in staying home!? Sounds like 2 classes a week is good and I assume you do things at the weekend? one thing worth trying is to find your local mum and baby group, usually a coffee and cake and a chance to meet other mums. They are often free and you can go to talk about feeding/sleeping or just meet others. This is a great way to meet others