Chicken pox can be contagious before they show, so the parents may not have known
As @Kate said plus Chicken Pox is not life threatening in most cases and in healthy babies, also babies go through it with less symptoms as adults so it’s probably better he got it now
That's fucking ridiculous other mums don't care tho same as these bby groups me n my son constantly having bad colds :@
Chicken pox is most contagious during the first appearance of spots and for two or three days before. That’s why it’s so easily spread as people have no knowledge until the spots appear. The incubation period is also about 14-21 days so if you didn’t go 2-3 weeks ago he didn’t get it there.
I get it but chicken pox/coivd/ hand foot and mouth/norovirus all are contagious before you get any symptoms so unless you keep your kids indoors when they seem well then it can't be helped 🤷🏼♀️ I got norovirus the other week felt fine all day went about my life and then spent all night puking it came out of nowhere I infected so many people without having a clue!
Like others have said, it's usually caught about 2 weeks before it shows. And they can be contagious before the spots show so likely the parents didn't know there children had it.
Chicken pox are contagious days before you're symptomatic. And as others have said, it takes weeks so show. So I'd like to think the parents didn't know. Unfortunately it's 'bug season' October-March 🤣 chicken pox is particularly rife this year and it is so contagious it spreads like wild fire. I guess you remember from your first. This is also the babies first winter so always going to be rough. To reassure you my little one caught chicken pox in November when he was about 8 months old. He did get it quite bad in the first 48 hours but it cleared up quickly and was all scabbed by day 5! We used virasoothe gel to help the itching and oat baths too. Hope your little one feels better soon.
I would be angry