Had no idea being a mum was so hard!

Feel like I just need a bit of a vent! I always wanted to be a mum and feel so grateful to have a beautiful five month old daughter I knew before having a child that it would be a challenge but I literally had no idea it would be this hard. I don’t understand how people have multiple children and keep their house nice and have any sanity 😂 I am exclusively breastfeeding because my daughter won’t accept a bottle I feel like I have no time to myself because she won’t nap for longer than half an hour and I can’t leave her because of the feeding issue. When she’s awake she kicks off if I leave her playing on her own which stops me getting things done and I also feel guilty I’m not playing enough while she’s awake if I try and do chores. My husband works full time and i do all the chores, cooking cleaning etc and look after the baby all day and deal with all the night feeds and wakings , which I thought wouldnt be so bad because I’m on maternity leave but it’s actually harder than I ever imagined! My husband is supportive but also says I should see this as my job as I’m not working but I feel like going to work was totally easier than this as it’s a 24hr job!?! I also feel like I’m having a bit of identity crisis as my style and appearance has changed dramatically since giving birth. As I’m breastfeeding I can’t wear any dresses or clothes that I used to in case I need to feed her and on top of that I have gained weight and have a muffin top after having the baby so nothing even fits or looks good on me now and I’m cycling through a rotation of frumpy outfits 😞 I used to love doing all my glam hair makeup tan etc and now I just feel like a totally different person. Does anyone else feel like this or have come out the other side? I’m usually quite good at pushing through but it’s all starting to get to me
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Hey hun. My messages are always open. I’ve got 2 with a third on the way and have related to this more times than I can count in my motherhood journey. Always here if you need anything xx

Just want to let you know you’re not alone. This is very likely something most, if not all, mums are experiencing. If not, I certainly did. Looking after young children is soooo hard and relentless. I was also EBF and my little one would only nap on me, so I couldn’t even get things done whilst he was napping. It is not solely your job to raise your baby and do all the house work. Your partner gets to go and speak to adults all day, pee when he wants, eat lunch when he wants and has soooo much more freedom than you do. His hours are only 9-5pm (I assume), so it’s not fair of him to not help out, cook, clean, take care of you and baby when he is home. Being a parent is a 24/7 deal, but it’s not realistic that that’s 100% on you. Now that I’m back at work, being sleep deprived and working is SO much easier than being sleep deprived and taking care of a baby. Definitely have a conversation with your partner about him doing more, as he’s been getting a sweet deal the last 5 months!

Also, my house is never clean 😂 I’ve paid cleaners on multiple occasions to clean just so we’re not living in filth 😂😂

As awful as it is, this sounds very normal to me. We did a lot of sofa napping together and the bare minimum chores to just survive. Once they start weaning they naturally bf so it does def get easier.

Hi same here. I currently have a 6 month old. He’s my first and it’s so hard. Your identity has gone I think for a while cuz you’re just so focused on this tiny human.i am to bf and it’s hard work. He currently going through a leap at min and im not getting much night time sleep tbh. Will only contact nap! Us mums x

Awww im feeling the exact same way, sending lots of love. Mine is only 3 months old. Hopefully it will get better soon. Feel free to message me if you are based nearby we can go on a coffee date and chat through it, maybe even support each other.

My little boy is only 3 months but otherwise I feel the exact same it’s tough! Have you tried baby wearing? I find doing chores with him in a carrier makes like easier and added bonus is sometimes he falls asleep in it too so I then transfer him into his bed once he’s in a deep sleep. My baby will take a bottle but he will only take tommee tippee not mam so I don’t know if you’ve tried a different bottle. We’re now combi feeding to take the edge off me. Your partner definitely needs to be helping more. My friend said that during the day yeah dad is at work and we’re at home but once he’s home it’s 50/50 and he should take the baby for a bit really to allow you some time. I know it’s hard but I’m trying to make more of an effort in myself now because it makes a difference feeling fresh and I always feel better if I look better. Also keep remembering this is all temporary and gets easier. Do whatever you need to do to get through the day whatever works for you. 🫶

My son is 8 months and feel exactly the same way, I’ve been rotating on three outfits for going out and in pyjamas mostly all day because I literally can’t be bothered to go look for different outfits to wear

I’m 8 months pp and can relate so so much to this, please don’t feel you’re alone and I’m sure any mum on here, myself included, would happily open our messages to you ♥️ I struggled a lot in the beginning feeling like my partner wasn’t pulling his weight as much as he could (outside of him going to work full time) so we came to the agreement that his job is 8-5 so my ‘job’ is 8-5, evenings and weekends are 50/50 responsibility. I still do the cooking so he can have a little rest after work. We do bottle feed but I still do all the night feeds cause i can’t sleep through the baby waking but he can so just made sense😂

I think it can often depend on the first born. People often say ‘if I had my second born first I wouldn’t have a second’ lol

It’s tougher than going to work 100%! My second is 6 months now and sleep is such a big factor. When she has bad nights it’s definitely a lot harder to cope in the day… I’d talk it through with your partner how you can split jobs more evenly. You have to be a team I think…

Just needed to tell you that this will all pass! I have a 3.5 year old and honestly could've written this myself when I was on mat leave with him. For me going to work was 10000% easier than mat leave. I felt like a robot trying to just balance baby life and housework! Felt exactly the same about my style and appearance too. I thought I'd never ever have another child because of how hard I found the first year, but I completely came out of the other side and now have a 3 week old baby too! Those first few months nobody can ever prepare you for but this absolutely will pass and you will get so much more enjoyment out of everything.

I promise it gets easier. It does feel like a lifetime but honestly once baby starts weaning and can start doing more things for themselves it’s easier

I felt like this and did come out the other side, then got pregnant and did it again, and then again😂 my third is now 5 months as well and exact same situation, husband who works 12 hours, exclusively breastfeeding and two others all under 6. The house is minging but everyone's fed and alive and that's all I'm aiming for at the moment.

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