Give a brief before and then drop a message and ask if everything’s okay
Personally I’m against letting a baby that can’t speak yet (assuming is a December 2023 baby) alone with someone other than their parents. But to each their own obviously and you need to feel comfortable, it’s YOUR baby, and they have a routine to follow so obviously they can go do things but they still need to follow the basics like nap time, feeding time, safety precautions etc. it’s not micromanaging it’s making sure your baby who still can’t speak for themselves it’s safe and taken care of. If it was someone who babysit frequently then probably need less info but if is a first as you are suggesting then you very much need to make sure they know how to take care of your baby. Plus not because they had a baby YEARS ago means they remember, and also things where very different back when your husband was little and if we are talking about a grandfather chances are that he didn’t do much on the taking care part of raising your husband (maybe im wrong but back then it used to be like tht
Thank you all for the suggestions. I truly appreciate it. Feeling more confident on how to handle it and also reassured that @Laura is right that baby will let Grandad know if he’s not happy and they’ll learn mum is right 😅
They are still so young, I would definitely be wanting a few updates throughout the day to know all is okay and what they are up to! Receiving pictures is lovely too and helps put your mind at ease! ☺️. As it’s their first proper day together I’d have a little chat on the morning/send a text with info of a rough guide for sleeps etc as he wouldn’t know otherwise and little one might get grumpy! x
All of the last 3 ha ha
My mum and MIL have had my little one for months and I still like 1-2 updates, its the same as nursery, just a quick photo and a text to say she slept 12-2 and enjoyed her lunch, thats not micromanaging its normal to want to know how your child is!
I would leave them to it. They have had their own kids so know how to look after them. Giving food is common sense and grandad will love having alone time with them. Even if it's not exactly what you would do, it won't matter for 1 day. This is my opinion however you do need to feel comfortable so you do what makes you happy. My mum would send me pictures through the day without me asking if she had my children. Xx
I wouldn't let the outing go ahead unless I felt comfortable that whoever is caring for my baby has a safe understanding about how to make sure he is safe (in sling,car seat,etc) and has a plan for food (when he normally has lunch etc).On the other hand,I'm sure baby will let him know if they're not happy and Grandad and Dad will soon learn that it's better to have a plan and listen to Mum!This would worry/annoy me though so I empathise! Especially if Grandad doesn't have recent experience in looking after a little one 🙃I'd say briefing before and regular check ins throughout is perfectly reasonable given the lack of plan