This happened to my mum she worked at the same place for 20 years then she did her back in so she was off for a few months as she couldn't move all her coworkers would bitch about her when she wasn't there and then when she came back she started that she couldn't do any heavy lifting or running as it could completely damage her back as she was still recovering and only really went in because they were being pains in the ass they then made her do the running and carry heavy things they were just all being really off with her and kind of ignored her and wouldn't really speak to her one day she just confronted them and that was the end of it turns out they were annoyed she has time off and one of the coworkers made rumours that she was making it all up. Some people are just Aholes sadly, hope your doing okay x
@Kelly sorry for slow reply. Yeah I would speak with management but I kind of get the same feeling from them too. I don’t know maybe I’m overthinking it but it’s just makes me feel like I’m in the wrong for being off sick and taking care of myself x
@Cora sorry for slow reply. I’m so sorry to hear that about your mum but good on her for standing up. Yeah I’m ok just fed up of feeling Like I’m in the wrong for taking care of myself if that makes sense? X
You might be just overthinking it, but at the same time you could be right. Work places can be so toxic and people love to gossip. Honestly I’ve been through similar. best thing you can do is go in there with your head held high and be yourself, do your work and if anyone wants to act any different towards you can either smile or reciprocate that energy back (if you’re feeling petty 😂) Speak to people who are good for you and stay with them. it’s horrible though. it feels like playground mentality but try and separate work and personal. Work is work and your family is everything and they’re the reason you’re going there. Maybe even speak to your manager and explain how you’re feeling, easier said than done but it might help with some reassurance x