Kind of thought about it off a different post but want your view

So when you celebrate with your children, for those who have multiple, on their birthdays, do you buy the other children one gift too?? I’ve known this happen in the past and I really don’t think it’s a good idea, IMO I think you’re opening it up for the child to feel entitled to presents on someone else special occasion. I have three children and couldn’t imagine giving them all one present each when it’s not their birthday. I think it can become an unnecessary expense especially as they get older but what’s your views? And why?
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I've not had the birthday situation yet as my youngest is 5 months but oldest knows that it's only her birthday she gets presents on not anyone else's so I can't imagine getting each child a present when it's the others birthday.

Why would you do that? It’s like saying it’s your birthday but people give your other half a present as well. I don’t really understand giving the first born a present when you have a 2nd child. But that is my personal opinion. Everyone’s opinion will be different x

No, because if you do, then isn't your child going to think that they get presents on others birthday's. So when they go to a friend's birthday party they are going to be confused about why they didn't get a present too

Haven’t had the situation yet as they’re little but absolutely not. That is their day. I have a friend who also had 2u2 one winter one summer and she’s planning on celebrating the half birthday of the other one during the birthday of the other. Like wtaf, no.

This is how children end up bratty and spoiled because how are you not able to explain to your child that it’s not all about them? It’s encouraging a level of entitlement that should not be there to begin with. It’s not a difficult concept for children to understand that it’s someone else’s birthday, thus their special day.

I have 2 autistic kids who are 15 months apart when they were babies they were too young to understand that one sibling got stuff and not the other so I do it.. the routine has been established… but I only have 2 kids and they are so close in age that it is just what works for my family

Generally I say no don't do it but my boys are born in Nov 8th and Nov 11th so we do a combined birthday

@Lyss I don’t think this applies to any SEN children, as you do what you have to do mama to make your life and theirs easier. 🧡

I get the joined birthday, and I understand that with SEN children they need a different approach to be able to cope/manage without it being too much for them. I’m just referring to people who have children birth at different times and ages ect. Ive seen it where someone I knew did it with her children and the one time she thought it would be ok not to due to her eldest age, he ruined his sisters birthday by kicking off and destroying everything because he didn’t get a present. I never understood why she started it as they were nearly 4 years apart, and then she reverted back to doing it and had a third child. I haven’t seen her since so not sure how it’s going. But as I said I just think it’s an unnecessary expense and like others believe it opens a gate to being spoilt and entitled

No. My mil (who is generally very lovely) likes to do that crap for the grandkids and it makes me want to scream.

Im going to be celebrating my second babies first birthday on feb 26th and my husband and I were just debating this as he wants to get our 2.5 year old a gift and i dont 😂 I dont want to take the day away from my second baby but I am going to get his older brother to HELP choose one gift for his brother. Hopefully he understands and wont kick up a fuss

Also i was the child who always had to watch my sister ALSO get a gift on my birthday and it wasnt a nice feeling. Always left me jealous and confused as a child

I don’t get the other child a gift. But, a lot of my relatives do. I assume that they will Only do it until my oldest could fully understand the concept of birthdays. I would say around 3, this happened. Before 3, she wasn’t really understanding why she was being excluded. I personally, don’t feel there is anything wrong with it. But, I don’t think it should go on forever because kids mature and can start to understand birthdays/parties etc. I think if you start talking to them about it, it’s easier to attend parties for other kids that will inevitably happen.

For my brothers birthday every year id get a slice of birthday cake. It was a pretty good present in my eyes! 😂

I don't, but my grandparents (so their great grandparents on my dad's side) do buy the others one gift each (usually chocolate or a t shirt and a chocolate) so that they don't feel left out or aren't trying to get in to open the birthday child's presents I've spoke to them and they understand it's only this set of grandparents who do it etc they never expect it from anyone else and understand it's still the birthday child's day etc xx

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I clicked the wrong one, I don’t agree with giving the non birthday kid gifts it creates entitlement

I don't agree with it. Its their day not the siblings or whoevers day. I have been considering doing a 'family gift' that they could open together for a game or activity to do as a family but I'm debating on when to do this because of the reasons others have mentioned here. I love the idea for the bonding, but the day before/after or even half birthdays sound better.

no way! everyone has a birthday so everyone gets their own birthday gift ON their birthday. if the kids are close in age and you do a joint bday party and they both get gifts that’s different

Watching someone else get presents and not getting your own presents is a great opportunity to learn coping strategies for those emotions

My grandparents would always bring the other siblings a small present. The birthday kid got more but everyone got one. I probably won’t do this with my kids but I loved it as a kid

My aunt use to do this for my cousins and even as a child I thought it was weird and unnecessary. I definitely do not need to give my other child a present on their siblings birthday. Now for some reason my mum has started to get “a little something” for the other one 🤦🏻‍♀️ even though she never did that for us growing up 😂

No,,.. but they get treats But I’m also not a big “gift” giver The gifts are more like we go do your favorite things I’m an experience giver

No it's the birthday child's special day, I'm 1 of 3 and never got a present on my siblings birthday and wouldn't expect to.

Honestly this may be an unpopular opinion but my mom did this when we were very little. There were 3 of us, if it was my bday, for example, my 2 brothers would get a small trinket and maybe a snack, it wouldn't be wrapped, I would get multiple wrapped gifts and a cake and get to pick what we ate that day, she never made us feel like our day was taken from or any less special, she had a way of making us all feel special but we also fully understood it wasn't our day and we were celebrating whichever siblings bday it was. I see people saying that makes spoiled brats but my brothers and I are all very humble and grateful, both of my parents have passed and my brothers and I were talking a few weeks back about how she did this and how she always made sure everyone was included. Now actual big gifts being wrapped on someone else's bday is a bit extreme and I wouldn't do that!

Also just to add she stopped this by the time we were about 8 or 9, only did it when we were little.

No. It’s their birthday, it’s their day! I have 2 children and it infuriates me when people buy “a little something” for my other child so they don’t feel left out 😵‍💫 like yeah but they also get a birthday it’s just not today?! I be putting that “little something” away for another day 🤷🏼‍♀️

I do get why people do it, but I think it's good for children to get used to the fact that other people getting something doesn't automatically mean they get something too

No. A birthday is the one day all year where it is their day! I do encourage sharing their birthday toys once they are done, but only the birthday kid gets celebrated (gifts and all)

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