I didn’t have that happen to me, BUT when I did get mine out I noticed a HUGE increase of my sex drive.
Yes girl. I can agree my sex drive has been very low with this nexplanon, and I’m a very horny girl 😂 so yea. Also after one year of having it in, it has changed so much like I can’t gain weight, my arm starts to hurt a little. And I had a regular period on it until that one year mark. I haven’t seen my period in 2 months but experiencing craaazyyy cramps 🥴. Bout rey go take ts out
I had it before pregnancy and I had an extreme drop in libido and I didn’t enjoy sex . Was also with a pos so that’s could have been why too 🤣
no I've been very active since getting the bc. put in I did have a full month of non stop bleeding