Birth control

What birth control do you use? Comment pros/cons and brands
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I was on the mirena iud and it worked for me until after I had my first. Before then when I was on it I had a period every couple months but after I had my first and got it back in it was horrible constant bleeding and I couldn’t deal with how it was effecting my hormones. I got it taken out and fell pregnant with my second within 2 months so don’t know what I’m going to do once I have this baby 😂 The pill made me go nuts it wasn’t fun I fell pregnant on the implant and miscarried

None- I track my periods and ovulation and BBT with an app to know when it’s okay and when it’s not okay to have sex.

I had the implant and didn’t workout for me (hormones messed up, always upset/cranky, my appetite was really high and made me gain a lot of weight so I took it off after 7 months. I now have the IUD (my periods last 10 days and I was 7 days before and constant spotting) I been on it for 19M so I guess my body is still trying to regulated it. It does get annoying. My periods are way lighter than before. I do get my periods same time of the month or close by. Everybody’s body reacts differently so there’s that!

Mini pill because I breast feed! So far it’s decent I’ve been on everything else periods are annoying but no estrogen so my hormones aren’t as crazy 🤷🏻‍♀️

@Willa I did this to get pregnant and considering it for preventing but nervous. If you don’t mind me asking are you okay with the fact that you may still get pregnant?

Non of the above. we just use withdraw method. I tried pills for a few days and the symptoms were the worst so I threw them away. The symptoms i had were brain fog, severe depression & anxiety. Emotional breakdowns etc. I was 1 month PP then. I’m still not pregnant, my daughter is 3🥰

I have the Implant(second time having it), good for a few years, never miss a pill or a shot and it’s not an iud that could be potentially painful and condoms can break… thats my thoughts on birth control.

None. NFP and pullout. Haven’t got pregnant since I had my last 5yrs ago and that’s what I’ve been doing, I’m also “done”, he’s my 3rd and last baby.

Pull and pray 🤷🏼‍♀️😂

@Kate that’s always the risk with any form of birth control I feel like. As long as you’re listening to your body and what it’s telling you, I’m usually pretty confident in the NFP method. If you’re unsure if you’re ovulating or not, I’d reframe from having sex so you don’t have to be worried about it!

@Willa I guess you are right. I think I am most nervous because my cycles are not regular and I am not as confident considering how long I was doing this to try to get pregnant and didn’t.


I've used condoms (only in fertile window/until ovulation) for a few years now and I'll never go back to other methods 🥰 Also monitor my cycle by taking basal temps and observing CM and stuff.

The patch

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