Secomd the above about choosing a smaller buggy, also if you have a baby carrier that might be a good option specially as some station don’t have step free access. Buses are always my first option or with the citymapper app I search the step free route. The bad side of the bus is that it’s longer and sometimes they won’t let you in if there are already too many buggies inside but that has happened only once to me 😊
Thank you. 🫶🏼 I was thinking about using the front pack actually just to save on space etc.
Travel outside of rush hour - it’s horribly crowded from about 7:30-9:30 - I’d go late morning or afternoon
Train during off peak hours. Lightweight, collapsible travel buggy. Baby carrier. Plan route in advance - if you need a lift for the buggy, do you know which lines and stops have lifts? Toys for the train will help little one stay nice and calm as well. I’ve done London twice now with my little one and it hasn’t been bad. We have got a train around 8am each time and I have put her in the carrier to get on and off the train. We have then walked instead of getting the tube so she can be in her buggy.
I'd definitely use a carrier if you can, as London travel can get SO busy, so navigating a buggy will be really difficult
I used a carrier while going around London as it was a good chance to practice front facing. She loved it!
I live in London and don’t use the tube if I can help it. If you must I’d suggest a baby carrier or a travel pram as the amount of people on the tubes and the lack of step free access is appalling.
I use the tube multiple times a week. My best advice, deep breath and just go with the flow. It’s sometimes not ideal and it’s crowded but it’s just gotta get done. My girl is an ace now on all public transport (even came home from hospital on the tube 😂). Use city mapper if you are unsure on routes, be adaptable and make it up as you go.
If you have a travel buggy I'd take that over a bulky travel system as we only had our bigger buggy at the time and just found it too heavy on the trains etc x